Happy New Year, once again, Seventh Grade!

I hope your holiday season was a memorable one! As mentioned in class today, we often ask each other, "What did you GET for Christmas? What did you GET? What gifts did you GET?"

Hmm, I know we GOT a lot of things that made us happy, but what did you DO that made you happier? What could you have done? (These do not need to be answered through the comments.  There is no post due for today).

We began the infancy narratives section of the New Testament, beginning right before Jesus' birth. We read about the Annunciation of John's birth to Zechariah.

This first story in Luke is to show how special and significant the birth of John the Baptist is.  But it also has lessons for us as Jesus' disciples. Zechariah certainly lives his life to follow the God he loved, but his faith falters. He doubts God. What can we learn from his faith that we can apply to our own faith?

Your responses will not count for a grade, but I welcome them.

P.S.- Here is some interesting information that I came across in regards to the reason Zechariah was "chosen by lot" to burn the incense. It comes from the Jesus Walk website.

At that thime, the priests were divided into 24 groups or divisions (1 Chronicles 10:7-18), of which Zechariah's "division of Abijah" is eighth in the rotation. Priests and their families would live in Jerusalem or in various nearby villages, but when their division was called up for duty for a week, twice each year, the priests would come to Jerusalem to work in the Temple. Each day about 50 priests would have been on duty, with perhaps 300 on duty during a given week.[4]

"This day, Zechariah is "chosen by lot" [meaning they drew numbers, or in our day, picked a name out of a hat] to go inside the temple and burn incense on the Altar of Incense in the Holy Place. It is considered a great honor [ and a once in a lifetime opportunity]. Since there were a large number of priests, no priest was allowed to serve as the officiating priest more than once in his lifetime.

Victoria Lasarte 215
1/4/2011 08:30:11 am

*That was an interesting fact that I never knew before.
I think we learn from John that we should trust God no matter what, and that even though we may be scared at times we should trust that God sees the bigger picture and everything will be alright. I also took away from the story that God does not put us through situations that we can't handle.Lastly,I learned that sometimes saying no to God is scarier than saying yes and being afraid of what will happen.

Rachel Mertel 215
1/4/2011 08:50:22 am

Interesting. I never knew that before. I really wish I could have done something to help others this Christmas. that would have made a whole lot more people than just me happier. But, any way, I look forward to reading more in religion tomorrow

Amanda S. 208
1/4/2011 09:05:12 am

That is so cool Mrs.Beadel! But later in the verse( I know we didn't get to read this far) doesn't he speak by using a templet ( that was a question someone asked) but did Zechariah continue to work and preach to the people while he was mute? Just wondering thanks.

Tommy B-215
1/4/2011 11:01:02 am

Thanks, I didn't know that fact and I learned we shouldn't be afraid of God because he sees the biggest picture of our future and that yes is the best word to say to God.

Jasmine H. 215
1/4/2011 11:29:02 am

I didn't know that Mrs.Beadel, thanks! You're right, doing something over Christmas break really made me feel much better. I want to be able to do something every year. I also learned today that we should try not to question God. He always knows what is right. we should keep stromg faith in God all the time even when we think it's impossible.

Kayla rodriguez 208
1/4/2011 12:12:14 pm

first off, sorry if I have typos. No contacts on. Jasmine is very right. The feeling of actually accomplishing your goal and turning your words into actions DOES make you feel better. Talking is beyond easy, acting on it, that's a challenge. Acting on our words and goals we set for ourselves, is saying yes to God. Sure, those goals were meant to make you better, but for God. You don't try to improve, face it, you won't. say yes, not 'maybe later'.

Amanda D.W. - 215
1/5/2011 05:31:51 am

It is interesting that Zechariah's faith falters even though he was a priest. I can look at my faith and see that I do love God but sometimes I do question Him. But, questioning strengthens your faith and I think that Zechariah learned his lesson about trusting God and that everything is possible with Him.

I made myself happy during Christmas changing my perspective of Christas. When you are a child all you think of is presents, presents, and more presents that you might get on Christmas day. But as I get older sure presents are nice but Christmas for me was being with my family together and helping other people. When I go to the homeless shelter and feed people in need I feel so much better inside than when I get presents .

Amanda D 215
1/5/2011 05:33:18 am

Sorry, I spelled some stuff wrong in paragraph 2

Sam D.-215
1/5/2011 05:35:29 am

Jasmine and Kayla are right we shouldn't question God and we shouldn't fear him, also when you set a goal for your self and you accomplish it you feel good cause you know you accomplished something that you wanted too. Rachel i feel tghe same way I wish i coul've of done someting to help someone in need during Christmas break because christmas is about is not about me, me, me its about u, other people.

Sam D -215
1/5/2011 05:37:35 am

sorry i spelled could've- coul'veand i spelled the-thge n I didn't capitalize Chritmas

Ken R. (not the barbie doll) 215
1/5/2011 10:33:59 am

i completely forgot all about helping others! *sigh* i was just to excited about my gifts... how selfish of mee

k.k.k.(kool kids klub)

Alexa C./215
1/5/2011 11:44:31 am

Mrs.Beadel I'm confused you know how Zechariah doubted God and how he was mute for a while. Did God not trust him after that, was Zechariah ever punished for something else, and did he ever doubt God again? Is Zechariah ever mentioned again in the Bible or is he just mentioned in this chapter because of John. Zechariah is an important key, yes I know that, but it doesn't seem like he is mentioned again or is he?

Well, I just wanted to know if you knew or if anyone else knew. :)

Alejandro D.
1/6/2011 08:02:07 am

Happy Three Kings Day!

Rachel Mertel 215
1/11/2011 07:44:23 am

hi Mrs. Beadel! um, i was just wondering when you're going to post
more blogs?

Sam D- 215
1/12/2011 06:16:07 am

Hey Mrs. Beadel i was just wondering are we gonna have a test anytime soon. I'm just wondering / thanks your awesome!!!! [ = ; )
Peace . Pray . love . Cheer


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