Today in class we reviewed all sections of the Nicene Creed, which is the prayer that reflects all our beliefs as Catholics!

So, if any non-Catholic asked what you believe in, you'd take a deep breath of air and spill out the Nicene Creed (you can find an online copy on my Resources Page).

Study for your quiz tomorrow. It's fill in the blank.

The video below will help you study. The images are profound and so is the music. Good luck!
This eight minute video below does a fantastic job explaining how the Trinity exists as one operating God, although many Persons. The video is a bit deep and may go over your head a bit, but it really makes sense if you pause it and let it digest!

What's even cooler is the main speaker of just a few years older than you!

Today's Classwork: Rewrite the poem on page 33 using your own verbs, nouns, adjectives, experiences, and outlooks.The format must be the same. Please type and follow my directions for proper formatting from my personal video below. You may decorate if you wish. Please give it a title.

Homework: Complete for homework.

Blog Post- Watch the embedded video below. There are many ideas, concepts, symbols, and Bible references made here. Post a one sentence response regarding something you learned from these speakers. It MUST be something different than the previous posters. Read everyone's comments to make sure you doen't repeat.

How to Format Essays for Mrs. Beadel's Class

Over the last three days, we have discussed the great mystery of out faith, the Blessed Trinity. Here's a re-cap of your notes thus far:

- Christians believe that the One God is made up of three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is called the Trinity (three-in-one God).
Each "person" has as a distinct function.
- The Father is the creator of all things.
-Jesus Christ, his only son, is the redeemer or savior of all people.
- The Holy Spirit is the sanctifier of the world and everyone in it. The Spirit blesses everyone and everything and makes them holy.
- All three persons work together. At the creation of the world, Jesus Christ was the living word spoken by God the Father; the Holy Spirit moved across the face of the waters and brought life into the world.

For tomorrow's classwork: Remember I will be at a technology workshop, so please behave for the sub! Five Beadel Bucks to everyone who responds to this post by 7:30 in the morning, stating that you understand the assignment. I wanted to explain what your assignment entailed, but we ran out of time, so here it goes:

Each student in 5th-8th grade student will submit a drawing representing one of the Red Ribbon week slogans that are used each day.  The top three for the grade (not class) will be recognized at the mass on Nov. 1.  The winning drawings will be displayed on a bulletin board and will receive $20 Beadel Bucks!

Please make a poster (no larger than a white computer sheet) illustrating being drug free by using one of this week's slogans. Don't go for the obvious. Be very symbolic (like you were for last night's assignment). Incorporate the title on your poster. THIS IS CLASSWORK for tomorrow. Do not bring this in as homework. It is due on Thursday.

Here are the slogans:

Monday, October 25:  “Go Green! Don’t let drugs pollute your life!” 
Tuesday, October 26:  “Being drug free is no sweat.” 
Wednesday, October 27:  “Band against drugs
Thursday, October 28:  “Viva la vida drug free!” 
Friday, October 29:  “Drugs are spooky” ; “Shake off peer pressure at the Halloween dance”  

Bring your markers and creative minds to class tomorrow.

Miss you!