As we continue reading all the stories surrounding Christ's suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension (the Passion), we look deeply into our own lives and the sins we make as well.

A guilty man set free on the account of another..... Barrabas, an insane murderer set free while Jesus was brutally crucified. Watch this video below and reflect on several of its messages. How many times have we acted like Peter who denied Jesus or Barrabas, who got away with murder while someone else (maybe even Jesus) took the blame for the corruption we ignited?

For full credit, I need at least 5 fully thought out sentences written with proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Have a beautiful Easter break. I hope this Lenten season made you a stronger and better person than you were on Ash Wednesday. 

May God continue to bless you.
Veronica G. 208
4/19/2011 11:19:43 am

We have acted like Peter by lying to our loved ones and hiding the truth, but really we're just digging ourselves into a very deep hole of lies. We might also act like Barrabas by concealing our sins and blaming another person who is actually innocent, for example, your younger/older sibling has broken a vase, or spilled a juice you usually get that feeling "oh I have to tell, I have to." You don't "have" to tell, you just want to get them in trouble, or YOU do something bad like breaking a glass angel or something and you blame your innocent sibling or friend and lie to cover for yourself. How many times have we blamed people, several times I'm sure, I know I have, guilty as charged. Anyway, the point is, it's not right to lie or blame or whatever sin it is that in a way "pulls" us away from God and closer to Satan. I think of life as a person in the middle of a tug-and-war between God and Satan. God is ALWAYS fighting for US, that's incredible. I mean, there's no greater love than death by giving yourself up for the person or people you love. Satan, on the other end of the rope, is trying to pull us away from God, but we are in theorems of the rope while we live on this earth so that when we die, we should be able to be on the good side of the rope with God (Heaven) and the bad people end up on the bad side of the rope with Satan (Hell). You see, God will always triumph in the end, and His Kingdom will forever reign. So remember, we should all spread the love and message of God for all to be on the right side of the war between Good and Evil.

Alexa C./215
4/19/2011 12:30:45 pm

I think his video is trying to tell us if we are like Barrabas, being set free daily because of an innocent man or if we are being followers of Christ and helping Him carry that cross up the mountain. This video made me realize that I'm such a sinner and need to be more like Jesus and less like Barrabas or Peter. I feel like such a jerk to Jesus because I daily sin against Him. All the little sins I do, are going to be like if I'm nailing Jesus to that cross. As if denying Him three times, if I'm betraying Him with a kiss, and it's like me hating Him so much for doing nothing. That's not justice, that's just being unfair and cruel. I think some things that I can do to reform my heart are to pray more and just stop in the middle of the day to see if I'm following Christ. Then I have to ask myself this question: am I nailing Jesus up on the cross and screaming at Him with hatred and cruelty, or am I helping carry up that cross and taking those nails into my hands because I love so much? Am I helping carry that heavy cross getting splinters stuck in my back or am I whipping Him making scars and blood marks on His back? Am I spitting on Him and laughing to His face or am I right beside Him, being tortured just as much? I'm really trying to figure out which side I'm on right now, because I've done some bad things in my life and some good things. It's just so hard to really know if we're like this or if we are like that. Mrs.Beadel thanks for the video it made me cry and realize that I need to change my life big time or I'm not going to be ready if Jesus comes again tomorrow.
Thanks for your time in reading my comment.

Alexa C./215
4/19/2011 12:31:55 pm

Sorry in the first I meant to put this insted of his.

Alyssa G/208
4/19/2011 12:33:00 pm

This video has many messages,one of them tells us that it was grace not justice that set a guilty man free. Barabbas was a murderer and Jesus took his place to save us from our sins. It also says that the gospel is a message about us. Jesus is the only way to salvation, true happiness, and God's kingdom. Instead of denying him like Peter, we should examine our hearts and souls for Jesus because of what He did for us.

Christina F. / 208
4/19/2011 01:24:41 pm

I believe that every single one of us has acted like Peter and Barabbas several times in our lives; our actions have not been so extreme, unlike theirs, but it affected others in negative ways. We often act like Peter out of fear of the consequences of our acts; fear of being ridiculed in front of peers, fear that we will not fit in, or maybe fear of the consequences of telling the truth. Peter denied Jesus out of fear instead of admitting that he was one of Jesus’ apostles, and being proud of his faith and believes. Barabbas was a murder who did not deserve to go free. He did not do anything to deserve freedom but he accepted it even though an innocent man, Jesus, was to be punished in his place. We sometimes do wrong and stay quiet and let others suffer in our place, letting them take the blame because of something that we are responsible for. By our silence, we are allowing someone innocent, who we might not even know, be punished in our place.

This video makes us reflect on how we behave and what choices we make. We can be like Peter and Barabbas, or be more conscious of our acts and the way we live our lives. I try to be more aware of my actions and how these actions will affect others and myself.

Julian A.208
4/20/2011 02:38:03 am

I believe in every single day in our lives we act like Barrabas or Peter. In every single day in our lives. We bully other people. Hurt people. Call each other names. I see it everyday at school , even i do bad things, so all of us has to change and see the grace of Jesus who takes our blame everyday. Then when we are scared to get in trouble for wrong we just did we try to blame it on our friends so we can get out it. Especially the nice friends who would do anything for you. And in the video and the bible says they freed Barabbas so they can take Jesus to get crucified, Jesus took Barabbas' blame.Thank you Mrs. Beadel for putting this video up because this video made me realize all the bad we do such what Barabbas and Peter did and they let Jesus take the blame so we must better with our actions.

Charles G 215
4/20/2011 04:41:18 am

When i saw that vidio I felt very guilty. I can' bilive that we did something like that to a person that was inisent and the son of God. Another thing that i could not bilive is that instead of putting a killer to deth they choese a inisent man that has not done anything wrong. That's what made me feel guilty.

Justin a 215
4/20/2011 05:22:53 am

this is very true. everyday not knowing we act just like these two. we take people for advantage. and then after we feel bad just like Barrabas. we should feel ashamed for putting the Jesus Chirst on the cross. Even when we feel helpless we need to think about what we did and why God helps us? Because if i was God and if we killed His son, i would never help humanity ever again. but God is forgiving. so we should praise the Lord and keep Grace

justin a 215
4/20/2011 05:23:46 am

forgot the last period at the end .

Victoria J. 208
4/20/2011 05:50:21 am

I think this video is trying to tell us if we are like Barabbas who was guilty and was freed or if we are like Jesus who died for us. I think that most of us are like Barabbas because most of us would probably not take the blame for someone or died for someone or would probably betray Jesus with a kiss like Judas or deny Him three times like Peter. I know that I am like that. But, this year has changed me and so has this video. And hopefully this video has changed you guys too. We should be the people who are trying to get closer to God by helping others and loving others and listening to God more. Not being mean to people or bullying people or pulling yourself away from God. We should all try harder to be closer to God.

Jasmine H. 215 ✝
4/20/2011 06:29:09 am

This video seems like a very nice way to end the lenten journey. First off I disagreed with one thing the man in this video said. He stated that God punished Jesus for our own wickedness, yes Jesus was crucified for our wrong doings but I don't necessarily believe that it was a punishment sent from God. More as the biggest gift Jesus could ever send man kind, plus I don't think God would necessarily punish Jesus, he did nothing wrong (it says this at 5:10 in the video.) Going into the whole, Jesus never did anything wrong & Barabbas stuff. So we always see Barabbas as this cruel murder, which okay yes I see that aspect. I see the point that he should've been the one on the cross too, but hold up. Barabbas was a sinner just like you and me. Jesus saved Barabbas too. He [Jesus]1 died for him like he died for me and you. I would've never thought if it weren't for this video that Barabbas would've felt so guilty. He was a "murder" and was let free but a man that had done no evil was taking his punishment. Now see doesn't that sound like something Jesus would have done for someone like us. Take up one of our punishments. I guess the Passion is kinda two sided, I mean the Barabbas part isn't exacally why he died, that was God's will (which goes back to the whole punishment thing, I think it wasn't a punishment it was his will.) But Jesus saved Barabbas and if I were to think back I were to think that because of what Jesus did, Barabbas probably changed his ways and became a better man and followed Christ.
How do we deny Jesus? This took me a lot of thinking. We can deny him by being a bully, choosing not to go to church, agreeing with people who do not believe in Him. The list goes on and on. I will try not to be like Peter. I will have faith and believe in Jesus in every situation God hands me. One thing I'd have to say is that yes indeed, we our saved by the GRACE of God. Have a happy Easter weekend and a delightful spring break ♥ God Bless you✞

Alejandra G./215
4/20/2011 06:33:04 am

Wow! This video was super inspiring and amazing. It made me stop and think about all the things I need to change in my life. I think that all of us have been like Peter or Barrabas at some point in our lives. We have all either denied Jesus or gotten away with something without asking for forgiveness. We are constantly sinning and not doing the right thing. We bully each other, gossip about people, make up rumors, exclude people, and hurt others. Although these things aren't as bad as murdering others, they build up and can feel almost as bad. The worst part is that we don't ask for forgiveness. We just assume that God will forget whatever it is that we did. We never do the right thing because we are afraid that our friends won't accept us or we won't be considered "cool" or "popular" anymore. Peter denied Jesus because he was afraid to admit that he was an apostle and proud of his faith and beliefs. Barrabas was a murderer who accepted freedom even though he knew that Jesus was an innocent man who didn't deserve to be crucified. We usually let other people suffer from the mistakes that we make. I think that this video is trying to tell us that we need to look back and examine our lives. We should be able to turn to God and ask for forgiveness if we need it. Some ways that can help us be more like Jesus and improve our lives is by helping others, praying, doing the right thing, and stopping every once in a while throughout our busy days and praying for either forgiveness or just thanking God for what we have. This video made me realize that if Jesus were to come tomorrow, I probably wouldn't be able to go to heaven because of all the wrong things I have done. I definately have to improve and fix my life. Thanks for the video! I loved it!

Alejandra G./215
4/20/2011 06:38:49 am

Thanks for reading my comment Mrs. Beadel! I hope you have an amazing and realxing spring break. I hope you enjoy Easter with your family and friends! Enjoy your Cadberry eggs!

Alejandra G./215
4/20/2011 06:39:48 am

I meant to put relaxing not realxing. Sorry!

Danny P.208
4/20/2011 07:04:26 am

First of all that was such a deep video. That video told me that we shouldn't be like Barrabas and not learn from what we've done. I think we should be like Jesus, we all know that when Jesus died on the cross for us every person at the crucifiction was affected. even the soldiers said " truly this was the son of God." we should be like Jesus and make an impact in others lives.

Kayla Rodriguez
4/20/2011 08:47:00 am

“…crucifixion one of the most vicious forms of capital punishment known to mankind. Death on a cross is only for the worst of criminals.”

This video made us feel pretty guilty, huh? Our sins, in the ancient past or modern day, put Him there. God made us perfect, beneath every one of us is a perfect soul. But of course, we have to go around ruining everything. The silliest thing is, why? Why must we do this? Is it really worth falling into temptation? Temptation is difficult to resist, is almost scary how much it owns us. However, it wouldn’t be temptation if it wasn’t tempting. Honestly, sinning is NOT worth the torments of hell. Everybody, including myself, is guilty of sin. We can all say “we’re sinners”. Marvelous, let’s CHANGE that. We all have the power to. Who knows if we have the power to be 100% “perfect” but if we don’t even reach for perfection, we’ll never get close to it. Whenever we try to “justify” our sins by blaming other people, it gets you out of a funk temporarily, but whatever the consequences were, are going to be unbelievably worse in hell. Like I said earlier, sins aren’t worth the torments of hell. With all the everlasting joy God can give you, if you don’t earn it, you better believe He can give a “hell” of a punishment (pun intended). Also, “blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness” doesn’t just mean standing up for God and being a martyr, it can also mean to take blame for YOUR wrong doing, no matter what your Earthly punishments are. I think God would be more forgiving if you owned up to your owns sins instead of persecuting an innocent man.

( I liked these parts of the video, made an impact )
“The gospel is about man, created in God’s image and created good. Yet fallen, disobedient, rebellious corrupt, proud, wicked, evil, sinful, unholy, unrighteous, ungodly, guilty, helpless, hopeless, lost condemned, separate from God and destined to for eternal punishment in the torments in hell.”

(Jesus is the ) Only way to…
Eternal hope
Real meaning
True purpose
Lasting joy
Enduring happiness
Endless pleasure
God’s grace

“the Gospel is a message about you”

lauren g. 208
4/20/2011 10:44:02 am

Wow ! Mrs. Beadel, I really enjoyed this video! This made me stop and realize that we all at some point in our lives act like Peter and Barrabas. We either deny Jesus or we sin and dont ask for forgiveness from God. People are constantly sinning, but God will always grant us forgiveness. Sometimes we think that we can sin and get away with it, just like Barrabas did, but we cant do that. Once again, God will grant us forgiveness we ask for it and if we promise to Him that we will never commit that sin again.

Sometimes I think people act like Peter as well. We deny Jesus because we are too worried about what other people will say about us, or if we might be less cool. Peter denied Jesus because he was afraid of showing that he was an apostle of Jesus. He might have thought that he maybe he may have been crucified with Jesus or maybe he would've been looked down upon.

This video is trying to tell us that we need to look at ourselves very carefully. We need to see if we need to examine and change our lives. We always need to remember to help others, be nice to everyone, and love everyone.

Thank you for this video Mrs. Beadel! This is one of the best videos you have posted. It really made me stop and think about my life. I hope you have a wonderful Spring Break! Enjoy your Cadberry Eggs(:

Kendrick R. 215
4/20/2011 12:05:25 pm

We sometimes act like Peter when we lie to others. Its denying that you know the truth. We judge people not in a nice way. We also deny others just becuase your 'friends' don't like that person. We don't want to make them think your friends with stranger becuase they might not like you anymore. We also sometimes act like Barrabas becuase, for example, you break a vase and others think your little nephew broke it. You don't tell them that it was you, not your little nephew and you get away with it (not that I did this if people are wondering). Well, at least God is forgiving so if you are sorry, you do the right thing and tell them that you broke the vase so you don't feel that guilt in you and try not to do it again.

Alessi A. - 208
4/20/2011 12:47:58 pm

This video was very inspiring. It made me notice the things that I need to change in my life. I stopped and thought about how I need to change to be more like Jesus. We have all acted like Peter and Barrabas. We have probably acted like them more than once. We can be like Peter by not helping people in need or by skipping church to go somewhere. We pass homeless and poor people almost everyday but we probably don’t help them because we are in a rush or we have “better things to do.” God only asks us to take one hour from every week to go worship Him and listen to His word but some people want to go somewhere or have some special event that is more important than going to Mass. We act like Barrabas by getting away with doing something wrong and feeling guilty or by blaming someone else for the wrongs we do. We sometimes do something bad and we know what we did but nobody else does. You feel guilty and regret what you did. We also sin but instead of taking the blame, we blame a sibling, classmate, or just act innocent to not get in trouble even though we deserve to be punished. We should examine our lives and notice what we are doing wrong. But if you notice it, aren’t truly sorry, and don’t try to fix your life, there is no point to the examination. We should examine our life, notice what we are doing wrong, be truly sorry for what we did, and try our hardest to not to commit the same sins or any other sins. Even though we will sin, we can try to sin less and when we do sin we should repent and ask God for forgiviness. This video was amazing. Thank you Mrs. Beadel!

Joseph B. 208
4/20/2011 11:06:01 pm

If you were Barrabas, the notorious evil murderer and you were let out of prison because of Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, would you leave the cell or stand up for what is right and try to help Jesus? Jesus did not deserve one of the most vicious capitol punishments known to mankind, being crucified, for being innocent. Jesus was simply sent here on Earth to teach us, forgive us, relieve us, and most important love us.
Barrabas did feel some guilt when he heard the shaking of keys coming near, but did he help? No, he left the prison to be free with thousands of questions racing through his mind of why Jesus such a peaceful man be crucified. Jesus died because of our wickedness and selfishness.
God is :

Perfect Blameless
Righteous Strong
Mighty Holy
Just Caring
Patient Compassionate
Merciful Gracious
Loving Forgiving

God is good all the time.

Will you examine your wicked heart?

Will you open your mind to the truth of God?

Will you surrender your life, plans, future, hopes, dreams, desires, thoughts, actions, and words all to the Lordship of Christ?

Will you trust Jesus or reject his love?

Will you be set free or live in the bondage of evil?

Will you recieve grace or justice?

What will you do?

Thank you for sharing this amazing video to us Mrs. Beadel. Hope you have a fantastic Easter! Hope you have lots of Cadbury eggs!

Lucy M 215
4/20/2011 11:36:00 pm

"Jesus is the only way" TO EVERY THING GOOD! We some times think "Oh it's okay do this, that, and the other no one's watching me", well God is watching you. At the end of the video something caught my attention he had said "That's not justice thats grace." God gives us His grace every time we nail Him to the cross with our "Oh no one is watching me it must be okay" act. He forgives, He saves, an He loves us with all His heart. As you said Mrs.Beadel we sometimes do act like Peter, or Barrabas, or both. We deny Jesus then we feel guilty about letting Him die for us because denied Him. We sould start promoting Jesus not denying Him.

Have a Happy Easter love ya bye <3

Amanda B./208
4/21/2011 06:54:30 am

I believe that everyone has acted like Barabbas or Peter at one time in their lives. We may act like Peter, because we are scared of the consequences of our actions, we fear that we won’t fit in with the popular crowd, or we fear what will happen if we tell the truth. Peter denied Jesus, because he was afraid to admit that he was an apostle. Barabbas was a murderer. He didn’t deserve to go free, but he did and an innocent man, Jesus, suffered for what Barabbas did. We sometimes stay quiet and let others suffer and take the blame for what we did, because we don’t have the courage to stand up and accept the consequences that comes with our actions.
This video asked us if we are a Barabbas and a Peter or a follower of Jesus. A person that would help Jesus carry the cross instead of just watching it happen. “Our sins aren’t what held Jesus on the cross, it was love.” Jesus went through all that pain for us and to save us from our sins, because he loved us so much.

Amanda D. 215
4/21/2011 07:19:30 am

Wow, that video was intense. It made me see Barabbas from a really different perspective. I thought Barabbus was an evil horrible man but really he's just like any of us. Not in the sense that he murdered people, but that we do something wrong and Jesus ends up paying for it. That quote that says, "Thats not justice, Thats grace" really made me think. No, it wasn't fair or just that Jesus had to be crucified in the place of Barabbus but that was God's unending love (grace) that made it happen. We act like Peter because we are afraid that the people around us are going to see us different or that we won't be in the IT crowd. Are we going to keep denying God like Peter did and is this 3 days of Triduum just like every year or will we finally trust Jesus and not reject his love?

Victoria L. 215
4/21/2011 01:21:09 pm

Wow this video was amazing! I was somewhat in shock after watching this. The first thing I thought of after watching this video was "If Jesus was to come down right now will I be considered a Peter or Barrabas?" I think we all act like Peter. We all deny Jesus by sinning whether if it's bullying, gossiping, or hurting others. Barrabas was just like anyone of our present day criminals. He was a murderer and drowning in his faith. He was not served justice by Jesus taking his place. He was shown grace. Grace is God's love. So, God loves each and everyone of us-even Barrabas- that he created us with a perfect soul yet we are tempted with evil. This leads me to the topic of Lent. Lent is a time to say "no" to evil and "yes" to God. Lent is a time to look at our souls and how we can improve. Lent is a time of preparation. A time to prepare ourselves to answer this question: "If Jesus was to come down right now will I be considered a Barrabas or Peter?" I feel that this Lenten season I have grown much in my faith. I feel that I still can improve but have grown much closer to God. Thank you so much Mrs.Beadel for the video it was very inspiring!

Nicole L 215
4/22/2011 11:28:48 am

Mrs. Beadel, this video was so inspiring ! I think that at one time in our lives, we have all been like Peter or Barrabas. We all doubt and we hurt people. We constantly sin, we exclude people, we gossip, and we bully others. Most things that people like us do aren't as bad as murder, but when we commit so many sins it adds up to us feeling almost as bad. Whenever we sin, God grants us forgiveness. We think that God forgets when we sin and don't ask for forgiveness but He remembers.

At times, we sin to impress others. In today's world, people sin and do wrong to feel included or accepted by our friends or other people around us. Peter and barrabas didn't accept Jesus for reasons similar to these. We let others suffer and be blamed for the sins we have committed because we think that is better then owning up to what we did.

This video shows us how we can examine ourselves and become better people. We need to learn to include people and ask for forgiveness. We need to change our lives. Especially during Lent, which is a time to examine our lives and to repent.

Thank you Mrs.Beadel for this wonderful video ! Hope you have an amazing spring break and enjoy your Cadberry Eggs ! Also, sorry I answered late my computer wasn't working.

Erika C.-215
4/23/2011 03:19:45 am

I think everyday we act like Peter and Barrabas. We lose faith and trust in God like Peter did. We are like Barrbas because, even though we don't murder people, we hurt people whether it is with our words of actions. This Lenten season we should stop being like Peter or Barrabas. We should be more like Christ. We should make it a habit to be kind and help others.

Mrs. Beadel I hope you have a wonderful Spring Break! :)

Therese C.-215
4/24/2011 06:59:16 am

I think we usually act like Barrabas and Peter almost all time! We are like Barrabas by hurting our family and friends with our words and sometimes hurting with our body. We are like Peter because we lose our faith in God a lot. We usually only go to Him when we need help and not when we just want to talk to Him or confess our sins. I think we should try to be more like Jesus and not like Barrabas and Peter.

Jasmine H. 215
4/24/2011 02:27:24 pm

Hope you had a great Easter Mrs. Beadel!!!

4/24/2011 02:30:27 pm

^ enjoyy your cadberry eggs <3

Amanda S. 208
4/25/2011 06:13:10 am

I believe that this video is about what is right. The most shocking part for me that I also did not know was what Barabbas did when the soldier told him that he was free. He just stood there, frozen, but was is of shock or thankfulness for his freedom,or is it because he knew that is wasn't right. In the video it said that one of Barabbas' friend was a follower of Jesus. I wonder if that friend told Barabbas some teachings of Jesus or if he even spoke about Jesus.
When Peter denied Jesus, is it similar to Barabbas and the crowd? Peter said I do not know Him. This was also a prophecy because Jesus (who is also God and God only knows what will happen) told Peter even before it crossed him mind.Yet some of us are like Peter, if one of our friends that is another religion make fun of the Catholic religion and we do not stand up for ourselves isn't that the same (also unconstitutional) as Peter!
One part of the video that also struck me is the only way... section. We need Jesus for all of this and more we need Jesus like we need water and food. The only way to find Jesus is to have grace and justice is to have Jesus in our heart and soul. WE NEED JESUS IN OUR DAILY LIFE!!!
The video also reminded me of the religious rap.
Hope you had a wonderful Easter Break!!!!!!

Jose D 208
4/28/2011 02:45:43 am

I'm sorry I didnt't post my internet was down.

4/29/2011 05:18:09 am

I think that we act like both of them some times. We act like Peter sometimes because we sometimes deny the fact that Jesus is there for us, and that He always will be. We sometimes lose faith in God. I think that we are like Barrabas because we sometimes let other people take the blame for something that we did, or for something that somebody else has done. We sometimes like to take the easy way out of things by leting other people take the lame just to be free. That is Why I think we are smethimes like both of them

4/29/2011 05:19:40 am

I forgot the period in the last sentence.

Leslie C. #215
5/1/2011 04:04:50 am

Denying God and our faith hurts Him just as much as sinning. Peter was scared what would happen to him if he told the truth, I understand that, but if he had faith and courage he wouldn't have denied who he truely was. That's what happens when we deny someone or something, we deny who WE are, and would you deny what makes you you?

A thought comes to mind after reading a couple of past comments, Barabbas got a second chance. With that, he could have become a different man, a man of God. I know he was a cold blooded murderer and got off the hook, but haven't we all at least once in our lives? His conscience told him it was wrong about would happen to Jesus. Maybe if he turned his life around and truely asked for forgiveness he could sleep without horrible things floating through his mind. We should turn our lives around for our salvation. If we have bad thoughts we remember what happened to Jesus. What I'm trying to say is we need to take that second chance to examine ourselves and turn what's bad to good.

Micahel B 208
5/1/2011 07:18:15 am

Justice is not fair. What happened to Jesus was unjust. How can you let a guilty man accused of murderer go free and crucified a holy man as a muredered?
Now as I watched the video I understand now that it happened because of GRACE. Jesus had to fulfilled the phropecies and die for us. I'm sure Barabbas could not live in peace the rest of his life. Also Peter let fear overcome him instead of his faith. We all do sometimes what Barabbas and Peter did. We may denie Jesus becaue it's not cool. We may not only blame someone else but take credit for something we did not do. What a wonderful thing is to have the Bible so we can understand what happened and understand ourselves now. To see everything that Jesus endure out of love for us is very overwhelming. By following his example we show him our love too. I'm glad God is always there for all of us.

Sam D.215
5/2/2011 06:20:12 am

.......we all act like Peter or Barabbas we cant deny it. its the truth.....

I think that we all act like both of them. This video was deep we all of us probably felt really guilty, because we know its true. Sometimes we cant escape the truth. Its like what Peter tried to do. Sometimes were scared... we try to deny what we do, whenever we have problems we try to solve them ourselves, when we feel's always someone elses fault..isn't it?? Of course not we always try to find a way to blame someone else we always give someone else the problems. As if saying here take it, i dont it, its your problem now, not mine. Maybe before blaming someone we should take a second and think..did they really do it, is it my problem or theres, did they do it or did I. Sure sometimes you might get blamed for something that you didnt do, but truly that doesnt happen very much. Usually when YOU get blamed for something its because YOU did something wrong. Not because he did it not because she did it, but because you did. Jesus had so much love for us that he basically said its my fault not yours i'll take the blame so you can be set you free. Jesus gave Barabbas a second chance to become someone better to become someone stronger at heart. Jesus is always giving us a second chance to be ourselves, to spread his word. You cant have the second chance if your blaming someone else half the time. He showed us that he loved us unconditionably the least we can do is show him we love him back. If you take the blame just have faith, He will help you.

Peace . Pray . love . Cheer . happiness . FOOTBALL!!

Monica D/215
5/2/2011 06:24:12 am

I think that the video was about how we shouldn't act like Barrabas, a guilty man, that killed and betrayed God. Jesus died on a cross, in torture and agony because of people like Barrabas, Peter, even us sometimes, to save us. We have all betrayed Jesus at more than one point in our lives. It's about how we choose to act. Do we choose to run and be free at the cost of the innocent or do we choose to stand up and be like Jesus was. Life isn't fair,it isn't just, but that doesn't mean we don't have to be. We have to stand up for what is right. Peter denied Jesus by being afraid and cowardly. Was Jesus afraid? Probably, but did that mean He ran away and denied the Truth. Do we run and hide or do we do the right thing and stand up for what is TRUE and RIGHT? Judas was another sinner that betrayed God and Jesus. With a kiss, a symbol of love and warmth. Judas might have been possessed by the devil or maybe he thought that Jesus wasn't going to die, just be gone for a bit. However, he chose to betray Jesus for thirty silver coins. What could coins get that Jesus couldn't? Materialistic things? Clothes? Jewelry? What better reward than to be chosen to be a follower and messenger of Jesus, of God Himself in the flesh? Ask yourself this, What is more self rewarding, Being happy with God or being unsatisfied with all the things that we get?

I reflected all this in my mind and I don't think that I have all the right answers so I'm going to try to change the way I'm living and hope that, with God's help, I become a much better person, like Jesus was.

GOD, love, joy and football= happiness :)

Victoria Roque 208
5/2/2011 06:29:52 am

Wooow!! I loved this entertaining video!It showed me how much we can be like Barabbas. Not by killing, but by not accepting and lvoing others. Barabas was let free by love, not by justice. Jesus took his place and was acused... of nothing. Of loving people from his heart, healing, teaching, and giving. Never giving up on people who needed the most help. We need to change and never give up on working harder each day to be like Jesus. Jesus wants us to love and give and share. Just loves us to much, for us to let Him down

Victoria ROque
5/2/2011 06:30:50 am

Sorry forgot the period after sorry. sorry :(

VIctoria Roque
5/2/2011 06:31:54 am


Spajon .P 208
5/2/2011 06:34:50 am

This video was nice way to explain what happened among Jesus at the time wether Jesus be crucified or Barabbas. In this case they let Barabbas free which was a murderer. It says that when the guard released him, he was in shock because he knew that Jesus was not guilty and he was. Barabbas luckly got a second chance. Hopfully he used his second chance in a wise manner. In the video it says the that it was not justice but GRACE.

Peter betrayed Jesus when a group of women apprached him and siad "You are of them" but Peter argued with the women and told them that he had no clue what they were talking about. After that at roster cocked three times and Peter remebered what Jesus told his apostle about one of them betraying Him and hearing a roster cock three times. In some ways we do act like Peter and betray Jesus,but would we stop if the that roster cock three times to remind us that we were betraying the Son of God?

5/2/2011 06:58:19 am

WOW! That was amazing I got so much goose bumps it was crazy.Even though we wont admit it we are just as bad at what Peter Barabbas did.I do admit I have denied just like Peter and during this lesson it had me fully realize how that hurts me.It ruins my relationship with the Lord and I know I am not a fan of that.The things I say and cursing at the Lord is just like denying the way Peter did because God believes in good,humble, love,faith,mercy etc., but the things we do and say are denying it because we don't do what He says we should do and that is doing something else turning Him down forgetting about Him making it seem like He is nothing when we curse and make fun of others.That is different from what Peter did yet, the same.

We are like Barabbas to.He was set free not by justice but by Grace and,he did nothing to help Jesus nothing.He ran away and just kept going I have a feeling he didn't look back.He knew in his hear that Jesus did nothing wrong only showed people how to live the right way.We are also a lot like Barabbas.We do tings that are not according to God's will but,we do it anyways and when we get caught don't we usually blame someone whose innocent? We hurt others and then we try to hide it up by seeing if theres anyone else to blame.If you were in his position and you knew Jesus was innocent what would you do?

Gaby A/208
5/2/2011 07:00:48 am

sorry I mean many goose bumps

Tommy B-215
5/2/2011 07:11:03 am

the video was amazing to start things off. Barabbas should've been crucified not Jesus because Barabbaas was a murderer not Jesus. I also think that the video teaches us that we shouldn't be like barabbas. Even barabbas knew that he should've been crucified because he knew that Jesus did nothing wrong. What confuses me is that why would women what a murderer than a sinless man who did nothing?

Peter first betrays Jesus when a group of women said " you are of them" but he tells them that he has never seen the man (Jesus). After seen three different groups he hears a roster cock three times and remembered what Jesus had told him and left crying. we act like Peter sometimes but we really need to practice to act like Jesus not like Peter.

5/2/2011 07:25:55 am

This video is truly impactful. Barabas, a man of evil and sin, was set free. Jesus, the perfect lamb of God, took his place. This was not justice, it was grace. We are all sinful and Jesus saves us from the eternal punishment that we truly deserve. This is not justice, this is grace. We were all created in God's perfection. Man was made perfect, but was corrupted by sin. Our souls want to be good. Our weakness makes us sin. This means that the potential for holiness is within all of us, we just need to get there. Jesus told His disciples that people would do things that He did and even greater things. Because of Jesus we are set free from the eternal punishment that we truly deserve.

Anthony R. 215
5/2/2011 07:26:32 am

I loved this video, it touched in such a good way that I cant even explain. Well anyway I think that we are like peter in the way that we lie about God and we lie to God and to each other. Another way that I think that we are like peter is at how we lie that we dont know God so we can get int o a club or something. I also think that we act like barrabas in a variety of ways. One way is when we do something wrong you say that its another persons fault, or if someone did some thing great and you take all the creadit for another persons acompleshment.

Alejandro D. 215
5/2/2011 07:33:20 am

!!!! That was basically my words. I had none. Left speechless. Extremely deep video. Well anyhow back to the main idea, I would agree that no one is perfect in this world (EXCLUDING JESUS).
At some point in our lives, we get lost out of our minds (kind of the way a sheep gets lost from its herd) and we commence in doubting and sinning and to say it cut and dry, GO INSANE!!! Judas almost had the same blame, but people say that the devil possesed him and forced him to turn Jesus in. Peter however doubted Jesus many times. He was weak in faith at times yet stronger than a mule at others. He denied Jesus 3 times before the rooster crowed. Barabus was truly a criminal mastermind who mudered many. He was kept in prison until many jewish civilians accused Jesus of blasphemy (I guess they had nothing better to accuse Him with....) and Barabus was then let out of jail because the people chose Jesus over him. I fully agree with the ending of this video where it speaks of justly acts and the freeing of a criminal (Barabus) in order to crucify the innocent Man (Jesus). They should have just crucified Barabus and let Jesus go, but no, through this unjustly act was a result of grace. God-given grace that let Barabus live.

Daniella M./215
5/2/2011 07:51:41 am

I am wowed! This video was amazing and inspiring. This video made me stop and take look at myself and think about all the wrong that I am doing and that I need to change that. Everyone has seriously been Barrabas or Peter. You may not want to admit it but we have. We have either sinned or denied Jesus. Most of us sin. We either sin by gossiping, telling rumors, lying, and or hurt others. We may not murder and sinning isn’t as bad as murdering but its still not something good. And most don’t ask for forgiveness. God still remembers what you have done. You think he is just gonna forget because it wasn’t something big like a murder. Well think again. Some of us even sin to impress. What is that? We think our friends won’t think we are good or cool enough for them. For that you get some new friends. Peter didn’t accept Jesus because he was scared to admit that he was an apostle. And the murderer Barrabas accepted freedom. We let people suffer from the mistakes we make. It just isn’t right. This video has helped me realize that I need to change my ways and learn to ask for forgiveness. Great video Mrs. Beadel! (:

Bradley Chapman 208
5/2/2011 08:30:16 am

This video left me just completely speechless. It showed me everything that I was doing wrong in my life. It pointed out all of the times I acted like Barrabas and Peter. It showed me all of the times I denied Jesus like Peter and maybe not by denying I know him, but by sinning. I feel like I act like Barrabas because sometimes i'm not punished like I should be, sometimes I don't see true justice like I should. I just feel like this video really describes how or why Jesus was robbed of justice.

Marlon G 215
5/2/2011 09:16:51 am

This video is a good one, with many messages. This video makes you think: How many times have I acted like Judas, Peter, or Barabbas. Peter-Pretending not to know someone just to make yourself look better or to not get in trouble when really you were next to that person the hole time. Judas-betraying someone you cared for just for your own gain. Barabbas-letting someone else take the blame when you know he/she is innocent and you are to blame. Everyone has acted like Judas, Peter, or Barabbas one time or another in their life. The message of the video to me is, " we should all try to be fair, just, loyal, and caring just like Jesus and not like Judas, Peter, or Barabbas.

Karina A. 208
5/2/2011 09:22:20 am

Whoa. This video really opened my eyes big time. It made me realize that many of us including myself have acted in some way like Peter or Barrabas. Although none of us have commited murders or probabaly have denied Jesus but we have all definitely sinned. People today commit sins left to right. Everytime we sin its just another nail to His cross.

Some ways we have all sinned is by gossiping, cursing, hurting eachother's feelings, not treating someone right, talking back to our parent's and many, many more. Some of us commit sins and don't even realize them becuase we do them like if nothing now. I think we all need to learn love Christ and respect what He has done for us because I know if any of us were nailed to a cross Jesus wouldn't commit sins.
Awesome video Mrs. Beadel! <3

Kory F./215
5/2/2011 09:22:34 am

This video was so amazing and inspiring. Its true we all act like Barrabas and Peter sometimes. We just deny him or we may just not see the true justice. I actually act like Barrabas a lot because i never get punished like i should, i never see the true justice when i should. I think this video really describes how Jesus did not deserve to be crucified on the cross, but he did it for us. It also shows that they let a criminal out of jail and to the people.

Barrabas was an insane murder. He was guilty and was the one who was supposed to stay in jail, but he was let go he was set free and Jesus was left to be crucified. That just isn't right that we let the criminals to go and the innocent to die.

Jonathan S / 215
5/2/2011 09:39:40 am

This video's messages made alot of sense. We act like Peter sometimes by denying Jesus, but you may ask yourself "I don't even know Jesus?" You actually do, we all do in our hearts. Lets say your talking to this person who doesnt believe in God and you don't evangelize your not only ruining your life but also that persons because that person doesnt know the hapiness and joy he's missing out on. Your ruining your life because God wants us to evangelize but if we deny him we are like Peter. Also we usually blame other people for things that we do. We shouldnt blame other people we should be honest like Jesus was. They let a murder rather than Jesus because Jesus didnt lie saying He wasn't the Son of God just some lunatic. Finally, having God in your life means true happiness why would you deny that?

Daniel C. 208
5/2/2011 10:16:53 am

This video talks about so many things that are true. Because its true how us humans act like Barrabas and Peter many times in our lifes. I act like Peter and Barrabas sometimes in my life. Many times I do something for which Im supposed to be punished for but I dont get punished and these are the times I act like Barrabas. This video showed me how Jesus was not supposed to be crusified, but Barrabas the murder was set free. Jesus was innocent and he had to live,but I learned that we should always be fair with each other in life.

Great Video.

Annabelle M. / 208
5/2/2011 10:58:43 am

Helloo, i really liked this video. It talks about how Barabbas an evil murderer and wicked sinner was set free from prison while Jesus Christ suffered for the sins of humanity. Everybody has acted like Peter or Barabbas in their life because nobody is perfect. Anybody can sin, but that doesn't make sinning right. Peter denied Jesus because he was ashamed to be called one of Jesus' apostles, maybe he thought they would kill him for believing in this man that called himself the Messiah. Barabbas was a truly wicked person who was traded out of prison in order for Jesus to be crucifed. One of my favorite lines from this video is when it says "God is good." It is true God is gracious, merciful, caring, and passionate and he is our Heavenly Father. (:

Anthony Rodriguez 208
5/2/2011 10:58:59 am

Ok let me start off with, I can probably believe that everyone has acted like Barrabas and Peter once in their lives. But maybe those "actions" we've done are not as intense then what Peter and Barrabas did. And honestly I don't think Barrabas should have been set free, what great things did he accomplish? The answer is nothing. And poor Jesus did nothing wrong to deserve this.

I thought this video helped me reflect on our behavior, to just blurt out what you did wrong and having to just face the fact that now your in trouble. It was your choice and now you have to face the concequences.

Great video :)

Anthony Rodriguez 208
5/2/2011 11:02:06 am

Me and Annable posted at the same time, (laugh out loud)

Karyna P. 215
5/2/2011 11:19:53 am

This video was fantastic! I honestly don't know how to start this comment. There are so many questions in that video. But i think the most important would be "What would you do?" This video spoke to me, It seems to me that Barabbas saw his wrong doing and turned to God. The video said he felt guilty and thought of Jesus and His followers peaceful. I think he knew Jesus didn't deserve to be crucified, but I wouldn't know because I've never spoken to him. I'd like to.

No matter how old I get, I will probably never understand why Jesus had to be killed to save us. It's an enigma to me. But it makes me feel like a terrible person. I look at Jesus as my best friend, I tell Him all my problems and secrets and I enjoy going to His house. But it hurts to hear the way He was whipped and nailed to the cross.

We do so many things that weaken our relationship, it pretty much turns into our daily routine. We need to start thinking before we act. WWJD?

Jordan H/208
5/2/2011 11:35:54 am

First of all no one can reject that they have acted like Barradas and Peter before. But I believe that we act like Peter the most because most of the time we turn our backs on our family,friends, anything even though we didnt take it to an extreme like Peter we still betrayed someone that is supose to be dear to us like the saying says "when ever we commit a sin it's like your nailing Jesus again and again". Now I don't really under stand the Barradas one but I think I do here it goes like u said at the top that we get away with something that was our falt and your "friend" takes the blame for you and gets in trouble that's not right because u deserved the punishment not your friend.
Also the video made me think of how we think and behave we have to think before you act because if we don't think of it first in the end you'll just going to have to face the music and take your consequence like a man/woman.

Steven R. 215
5/2/2011 11:51:52 am

God always will fight for us and love us no matter what we do or say. The people who sentenced Jesus to death are definitely wrong, cruel, and will never see God. I can't say that these people haven't acted like Barrabas and Peter just like we all have. Peter denied Jesus because he was ashamed and we sometimes are mad or not proud of God but the one to blame is our selves. We need to think of God and each other as they think of us.

Jose D/208
5/2/2011 12:08:32 pm

I'm shocked. Barrabas, a evil man that murders people and Jesus, perfect in every way. I think that isn't juctice at all. But I think we have all acted like Barrabas or Peter in our lives and that is the truth. This story is about how Barrabas, the murderer and Jesus, the perfect one, how a sinful man that killed people was set free just to crucify Jesus for saying he is the Messiah (which He was) but just to try and crucify Jesus that is the thing that I don't like for a murderer and he also found guilt. But Jesus saved us from our sins for us being dumb and not believing in Christ. That is all I have to say about this video.

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