This week, we have spoken a bit about the prophecy of the Messiah's coming. You may wonder why this is important. He already came here! We aren't in need of a Savior like the Israelites were! Our world isn't needing someone to save us from eternal damnation; Jesus is here!

While that may be true, make sure you, yourself, are not turning away from Him like they did thousands of years ago without even knowing it. Check out Tamara's Lowe's message. It's a rap. You may need to view it 2-3 times to soak it all in.

Repond to this post with your favorite line(s) AND give me some thoughts, interpretations, or insights to that message.
Jordan H/208
1/12/2011 08:41:11 am

This is the best rap ever. I love how she says "The real superstar is Jesus Christ." Also how she names all those idoles that we all love and says "Some day your going to die bro then where are you going to go." Because its ture if you dont hael that gap of sins in your soul then you will just go on doing evreything the wrong way and thats not Gods way.

Jordan H/208
1/12/2011 08:48:04 am

Sorry i spelled (hael) when i ment Heal

Jose D/208
1/12/2011 08:53:34 am

That was an amazing rap compared to the one's we listen to now a days. I'm sorry if I'm coping Jordan but my favorite line is "The real superstar is Jesus Christ He's the way He's the Truth and He's the Life" and that is true because if you don't praise God where in the world would you go when you die. So that Rap was beast to me.
Amen to that rap!

Jose D/208
1/12/2011 08:56:08 am

You need to follow His way because like the women said 'He is the Way, Truth, and Life.' You need to reflect God and praise him.

Lauren G/ 208
1/12/2011 09:07:25 am

I love the rap, Mrs. Beadel! My favorite line of the rap was the ending, which said "Give your life to God, while there is still time!" I liked this line the best because it is 100% true. You should give your life to God while you still have the chance, because before you know it will be over. Thanks again Mrs. Beadel I really enjoyed this video. :)

Christina F. / 208
1/12/2011 09:27:07 am

“The real superstar is Jesus Christ. He’s the way, the truth and the life. One day he’s gonna split the sky. He is the brightest light and the highest high. . .” is my favorite line. I think the overall message of this song is that there are different celebrities who are idolized by many, but they won’t really make an impact on your life. The real “superstar” is Jesus Christ. The song’s final line, “Give your life to God while there is still time,” is the bottom line. Thanks Mrs. Beadel, the video is awesome. :)

Justin Acosta 215
1/12/2011 09:36:40 am

That girl just spitted out these awesome favorite verse is "to be a survivor in this amazing race,with a need for speed you need God's grace. that verse really touched me. it was very challenging when i had to understand what she was saying.

Alex R. 208
1/12/2011 09:43:29 am

my favorite line was "its not a simple life Paris Hilton"
I like how it shows that we cant look at the stupid things that celebrities do but we should look at the things Jesus did.

Jonathan S
1/12/2011 09:56:26 am

That was a good rap. To me it is all true and what we should be listening to instead of all these rap songs about drugs and money and other bad things.

Jasmine Hernandez 215
1/12/2011 09:59:35 am

I loved the line that said "but you better check the life that your living and make sure your sins are forgiven. I bet you 50 cent Elvis done came and went every Black Eyed Peas, Gwen Stefani, P-diddy and Britney, every wanna be on MTV with they icy bling, every Dixie Chick that sings there all gonna see the King of kings. I dont care if your J-lo or Leno or Bono. One thing you gotta know someday you gonna die bro, then where you gonna go?" I think that it's true a lot of famous people get so caught up in their riches, popularity,drugs, or alcohol that they forgot the sinful life they're living. They forget what's going to happen when they die. Some are even very selfish. There are others that adopt children, give big donations to charity, or start there own charity. I think that's what every superstar should be doing. Giving back for the many blessings that God has given them here on Earth so that they can have and even more amazing time in Heaven! :) (and by the way I'm not saying that every famous person forgets about God, but I am saying that sometimes it is hard to not get caught up in it.)

Julian Acosta -208
1/12/2011 10:09:28 am

My favorite lines are "The real superstatr is Jesus Christ , he's the way he is the truth and the life. The other line that I like is " I bet you 50 cent, Evis dunn caymen, every Blacked Eyed Pea, Gwen Sterfani , P Diddy , and Britany eventually every wannabe on MTV." This is a awesome rap explaining all these celebrates are not great(fake). And Jesus is the true celebraty and we should honor him like some fanactic honors some celebraty. And at the end like Tamara Lowe said "At the end give your life to God if there is still time." This is a great Video I liked it a lot.

Victoria Lasarte 215
1/12/2011 10:20:04 am

My favorite line was "but the void won't kill and the pain won't fill 'til you love the one that died on the hill." I like this part of the rap because we spend so much of our lives trying to get things, go places, and hang out with people that make us "happy" that we forget all about God. Real happiness is found only in God and nothing we ever do can top our happiness that we find in Him. One of the last lines that also interested me was "Don't buy that stupid stuff they be telling ya. It's all designed to fill your head and waste your space before you're dead." I liked this verse because we spend so much of our money on video games, cell phones,and clothing that we don't realize we don't receive anything fulfilling out of these purchases because when you die cell phones won't decide if you go to heaven or not. So instead of buying material things we should be focusing on our relationship with God. "Give your life to God, while there's still a chance." Thank you Mrs.Beadel! I loved this video.

Alyssa G/208
1/12/2011 11:09:36 am

My favorite line is "CNN's got no good news, here's a headline you must choose". To me this means that you have two choices or paths to follow: the right and the true path that leads to God or the path that leads to the devil becasue of the bad choices you chose while you live your life. Thanks for the awesome rhyme Mrs. Beadel!

Rachel Mertel 215
1/12/2011 11:45:39 am

Wow! That was an amazing rap, and I've never been able to understand every word the person rapping it said. Anyway, my favorite line is "Here is a headline: You must choose." I think that this is basically telling you that, when every one is doing something, and you feel pressured into doing this, its you're choice if you do what you feel pressured to do or not. If the decision is bad or good, YOU are the one that make it, not anybody else. You are in charge of the life You are living, not anybody else. YOU are the one to choose, from what to wear, what to eat, what to do, to deciding if YOU believe in Christ and got or not. IT IS YOUR CHOICE, even if you choose not to believe it.


(p.s. i hope this makes sense.)

Michael B. 208
1/12/2011 12:21:36 pm

“Pop a pill, but the void won’t fill, and the pain won’t kill ‘til u love the one who hung on the hill” was my favorite line of the rap, I think it means you can try to fill the void will artificial things but the hole in your heart wont fill until you accept Jesus inside.

Danny Pena, 208
1/12/2011 07:39:29 pm

Danny Pena. 208
1/12/2011 07:45:40 pm

my favorite line is"CNN doesn't have good news heres a headline you must chose" that touched me because no one can chose for you, you are your own peson, thats why we have souls and a concious, amd a little thing God gave us called life.

Kendrick R. 215
1/12/2011 08:16:34 pm

Wow. Nice rappin'. I like the part when she said, "give your life to God while you still have time." You have to devote yourself to God before its to late and die.

Tommy b-215
1/13/2011 12:54:37 am

That was amazing my favorite line was "CNN doesn't have good new heres a headline you must choose" and now listening to this makes me feel and try to be closer to God and Jesus. And jesus is the one that said the good news about God not CNN or Fox it was Jesus.

Alejandra Gancedo 215
1/13/2011 05:06:50 am

Wow! I love this rap! My favorite line was when she said, "The real superstar is Jesus Christ. He's the way, the truth and the light." This is my favorite line because it reminds people that instead of honoring or worshiping other celebrities we should remember that the real superstar is Jesus because of everything he did for us. Jesus is the truth and the light because he helps people find their way back to God and he answers our prayers. Jesus will always be with us through good and bad times and we must remember that he loves us very much. Jesus is always with us even though sometimes we may feel lonely.

Amanda D.W. -215
1/13/2011 05:09:43 am

My favorithe line was, "You can shop nonstop or pop a pill but the void won't fill and the pain won't kill until you love the one who hung on the hill." This means to me that nothing can fill your heart or make you happy except God. No pill or shopping spree is going to kill the pain. You just need God in your life. Alot of people always think the wrong things to kill sadness or pain in their lives but God is the only one who can do that. He gives us happiness, comfort, and hope to believe in Him.

I also like how she's is telling us about all these shows we watch and how none of them are going t help us make it to heaven and really it is God who gives you real truth. No show, radio, ect. can save you. You just look to God and He will have the answers to your questions.

Amanda S. 208
1/13/2011 05:27:18 am

That rap was AWESOME! I loved it! My favorite lines were "You can't cope without hope, and that's not a soap." and "If your looking for Oprah or Dr.Phil you can shop none stop or pop a pill." I loved it. It was super funny yet so true. That lady has a talent and I can tell you I love it! I hope she has more.I wish it could have some lines so we can understand better. Now I feel like listening to this nonstop. AMEN to you Tamara's Lowe!
P.S.- I wil be back to school on the 14. See you then.

Lucy M 215
1/13/2011 05:37:51 am

OMG I love this!!!! She has a point when she says all the famous people's names and that they to are gonna see the King(or somethhing like that I know it had to do with the word king). They are just like us. We can sin all our lives but if we say "I'm sorry" and we mean it then and only then is when it really counts. Almost every famous person has done or dose drugs and gets them self in trouble, but if they say "I'm sorry" and they mean it and truely try to quit then they can make it to heaven to. So the bottom line is TRY NOT TO SIN!!!

GLU xxxxooooo!!!!!! =^*^=

Alexa C./215
1/13/2011 05:40:39 am

My favorite lines are "So what I came to say and what I'm telling ya is don't buy that stupid stuff they be selling ya. It's all designed to fill your head and waste your space until your dead. Here's the bottom line of my ryhme give your life to God while there's still time."

I like these lines because there telling us start reflecting and praying because it could be just one day until he comes or you die or a million years until he comes. So don't get caught up with all that stuff on TV and all those stars who are doing the newest trends or bad things. They just do that for popularity. If you start doing all those things you will get addicted to doing it and go farther and farther away from God. Focus on getting your relationship with God stronger. She is also trying to say that you need to turn to God now if you want to go to heaven. You have to act now by praying, helping, listening, acting now, reflecting, and caring. That's what's going to get you into heaven. So start building up your relationship or you'll be sorry in a few days, weeks, or whenever you die or when Jesus comes again.

That is what I think she is trying to say.

Anthony Mora 215
1/13/2011 06:15:43 am

my favorite line was when she said that "instead of putting all the junk you see on tv in your life, maybe you could ignore it all and instead, put the Holy spirit in its place. and one day you're gonna die and i don't want to ascend to heaven with jesus looking at me and just seeing all that junk in his place istead of him God or the Holy Soirit. like, yeah he'll forgive me for not knowing and just being ignorant, but, still, i want to go up to heaven with a grin plastered on my face and God seeing himself living in me, if you know what i mean.

Alejandro D. Rm 215
1/13/2011 06:39:43 am

My favorite lines of this "Gospel Rap" are "If you look into Oprah or Doctor Phil you could shop non-stop or pop a pill,but the void won't fill and the pain won't kill 'till you love the one who hung on the hill,"

These lines made a a mental image for me. My mental image was of a New Yorker who did not have any time for God. He loved Docter Phil and had the top of the line smart phones (I-Phone) E-Readers (I-Pad) and Laptops (Mac Book Pro). He took several pills a day because of all the migrains and stress he had from his job. He was dipressed because of one of his siblings death. He couldn't get his mind off of the death so he prayed to God and Jesus. From that day on, he took not one more pill, he had no stress, and his relationship and love for God and Jesus flourished and his live got better every moment. What I think she is trying to say is that a materialistic thing cannot make you happier or change your life. If you love God, and continue deeper into your faith, your life will drastically change for the bettter. God put us down here for a reason. He put us down here because he wanted us to find him and immerse ourselves into our faith. I believe that if we do what He put us down here for, then we will get the greatest reward which is eternal life with God in Heaven.

Andres D 208
1/13/2011 06:45:13 am

"No American Idol or Council Tribal will have an answer that will satisfy you." That is an awesome line because some people are always looking for an answer to everything. God gave us a natural sense of curiosity. No matter who wins American Idol or any show the answer isn't going to satisfy you and you will always want to know more. If you turn to Jesus, He will satisfy you and all the this you ever filled your life with will turn to Him. Thanks for the great video. It's nice to see someone using their rapping talents for a good cause :)

Daniella M./ 215
1/13/2011 06:48:43 am

I absolutely love this rap! My Favorite lines are ..“You can be an apprentice for Donald Trump or eat Fear Factor fast food from a dump you can be a heavy hitter or wheel of fortune winner or a Fox news no spin spinner or flat sinner but you better check this life that your livin’ and make sure your sins are forgiven. I bet cha 50 cent Elvis done come and went, and eventually every Black-eyed-pea, Gwen Stefani, P-Diddy and Britney. Every wanna-be on M T V with their Icy Bling, every Dixie Chick that Sings, they all gonna see the king of kings. I don’t care if your J-Lo, Leno or Bono. One thing you gotta know. Someday your gonna die, Bro. Then Where are you gonna go.” This rap is saying that all these celeberties get caught up in all there work and forget about Christ and they forget that they are being sinful without knowing they are. Celeberties “better check the life that they are living and make sure there sins are forgiven.” Also, they don’t realize and remember Christ they will go to hell. That’s where they will go. Thank you Mrs. Beadel for sharing this video it was amazing!

charles gutierrez 215
1/13/2011 07:24:00 am

i thought the line that i liked the most was the "CNN doesn't have good news hears a headline you must choose" i thought that was really deep because you have to choose between God or the devil, or you can say right or wrong it's your choice only.

Karina A. 208
1/13/2011 07:41:36 am

I think this rap was incredible!! My favorite line that inspired me was " One day he is gonna split the sky, He's the brightest light and the highest high!" What I learned from this wrap is that these days everyone starts to idolize or get caught up into these tv shows, magazines, and the news. What we don't realize is that God gave up his life for us and today people don't give the slightest attention to Him our savior. We need to thank God while we still have time!! Thank you so much for showing me this rap Mrs. Beadel! It really opened my eyes :)

Karina A. 208
1/13/2011 07:43:56 am

Sorry on the fourth line I spelled rap wrong. *rap

Daniel Camacho 208
1/13/2011 07:53:46 am

"One thing you got to know, someday you gonna die bro then were you going to go "

I think this lines are very true, we should look for our final destination when we die, because some people dont care what will happen to them when they die but we should care, because we dont want to go to hell. We should look for God , so someday when you die he will recieve you in his kingdom.

Marlon Garcia 215
1/13/2011 07:54:01 am

The line I thought was the most leading is when she said ,"... you can pop a pill but the void won't fill and the pain won't kill until you love the one who hanged on the hill ." What I think this means is even if you take drugs , drink , ect. you will still be in pain and you will still fell as if something is missing unless you find Jesus.

Leslie C. 215
1/13/2011 08:03:29 am

My favorite quote: " Don't be buying that stupid stuff they be sellin' ya. It's all designed to fill your head and waste your space until you're dead."

These lines should be a reflection to all because the horrible things we see on television, hear in music, or other things just blur our vision on the positive side of things. Like an example I just thought of... let us say there is a person, a young woman, that LOVES fashion. She buys all the lastest fashions (the clothes and etc. are sins), that are extremely expensive that she thinks she can buy, but can't. She keeps buying and buying and doesn't realize that it is becoming an obsession, until her friends and family tell her she is going WAY overboard. She finally comes to realize that she is and returns some clothes back to the stores and the rest to the poor. She turns her life around, makes an organisation to help those that don't have clothes, and turns to God when she is faced with temptation(she always looks for God, there is alot of temptation in her world).
Some people are so consumed with sins that they don't know how to ask for forgivness. Our world, to me, mostly looks at the bad things that happens that they don't focus on the beautiful things that happen everyday. We live lives that go by so fast we, need to slow down and reflect on what we have done.Let go of your sins, God is here to guide you.
We live a short time on this wonderful world that God gave us to live on. Why don't we start something? Live like there is no tommorrow. Say good bye to sin. Take time, slow down, love God.
<3 LIVE. LOVE. GOD. <3

Amanda B./208
1/13/2011 08:04:25 am

This video is amazing! My favorite part is when she says “or pop a pill but the void fill and the pain won’t kill till you love the one that hung on that hill”. I like this part of the rap, because we like to visit many different places and hang out with our friends, but we sometimes forget the most important person in our lives…God. We can’t just put Him on a bookshelf and decide when to use Him or not. No matter how old you are, you are always going to need God in your life. I also like how she said “don’t buy that stupid stuff they be sell ya, it’s all designed to fill your head and waste your space until your dead”. I like this part, because we buy a bunch of stuff like iPods, nooks, computers, cell phones, and clothes. This is just wasting the space in our head when we should be working on getting closer to God. He decides where you’re going. “Give your life to God while there’s still time”. Thank you for showing us this video. I love it!

Mae-Lynn F. 208
1/13/2011 08:14:40 am

My favorite line would have to be,"To be a surviver in this amazing race,with a need for speed you need God's grace.And if your desperate like house wives,watching the days of our lives.You cant cope and that's not on a soap.If your to Oprah or Dr.Phil,you can chop non stop or pop a pill."To me thats part is so totally true because, if you watch and keep on obeying Oprah or Dr.Phil,your practicly worshiping them.What you Should do is turn off all the junk and electronics and thank God for what you have..All those dunb T.V. shows that we all watch is just distracting us from getting closer to God.The T.V. shows aren't going to help us atall.they're not going to tell you whats right from wrong.They're ACTORS.they do that because that's what they're suposed to do.They are paid to do that.Who and what you you should listen to is to God and your heart.I will admit I do watch that stuff,but after listening to the rap a second time it totaly made sence.And it made me realize what im telling you guys now.

Anthony R. 215
1/13/2011 08:15:03 am

I like the line were she says "Here's a headline, you must choose." because when I hear that I think shes trying to say that since we have free will, how we live our lives show God which side we want to choose.

Lauren G/ 208
1/13/2011 08:15:54 am

I love this rap! I loved every single word & phrase of this, but if I had to choose just one phrase it will be "I bet cha 50 cent, Elvis done, came, and went. Eventually every Black Eyed Pea, Gwen Stefani, P- Diddy, and Brittney, every wannabe on MTV with their Icy Bling, every Dixie Chick that sings. They all gonna meet the King of Kings." This phrase is my favorite out of all of them because no matter who you are, you are going to eventually die and meet God. Like Tamara said, you could be Brittney Spears, Gwen Stefani, The Black Eyed Peas, or anyone else in this world, but we are all going to meet God. I also like this because it explains how all these celebrities get caught up in the daily routine and they completely forget about God! These celebrities should be giving there lives to God, not doing all the stuff they do like drugs, alcohol, ect. If these celebrities don't start giving their lives to God they will not end up in Heaven with God. Thank you once again Mrs. Beadel for sharing this amazing rap with us! I loved it!!! And sorry that i commented twice on your blog, I just felt that the first comment I put wasnt really complete so i decided to add another one, just in case. Thanks again Mrs Beadel! (:

Sam D.-215
1/13/2011 08:18:25 am

OMG!!!! I love this rap it actually talks about what all of us do we all care about this stuff that really aren't immportant. I love this line . Well typically these lines.

"i bet you 50 cent that all dis done came and went. Eventually every black eyed pea, Guen stafani, p-diddy, Brittnay every wanna be on MTV with they icy bling every dixie chick that sings. They all gonna see the king of kings i dont care if your jalo, lenno, or bonno one thing you gotta know some day you gonna die bro then where you gonna go?"

It actually talks about lots of stuff today. Everyone thinks that this stuff is important typicallly it's really not all the stars aren't gonna be treated differently they'll be treated the same. God loves us all the same it doesnt matter if you were famous or if you were the smartest he loves us all the same. He always has and always will. Oh, hey does anyone know if were gonna have a test in Religion and @ what time thank-you ;)

Sam D/215
1/13/2011 08:24:22 am

OMG!! i spelled j-lo (Jalo) and leno (lenno and bono (bonno)its suppossed to say i bet you 50 cent Elvis done came and went sorry

Peace . Pray . love . Cheer . Happiness. (and football) lol jk

1/13/2011 08:27:28 am

This was awesome! I love the video and the rap was just epic . My favorite lines were "If your desperate like housewives watching days of our lives you can cope without hope and thats not on a sop to me its saying that were not just gonna sit there wasting our lives with other things other than God.We can't just sit here having life pass us by and not putting God in it . I also like the line "CNN got no good news heres the headline you choose" I love this one because there are so many people who are on the news because they didn't follow God and choose the wrong path in life with drugs and other things in there life thats were the party you choose comes in because God gave us free will and He expects us to to choose the right way in life.And my other favorite part is "I bet you 50 cent Elvis done came and went every Black Eyed Peas, Gwen Stefani, P-diddy and Britney, every wanna be on MTV with they icy bling, every Dixie Chick that sings there all gonna see the King of kings" i like this one because all those famous people who are so popular and they think are hot stuff will and up with everyone else in the great sky being judged but not by how many albums they sold or how many times there songs were on the radio but how they used God in there lives.

Anthony Rodriguez 208
1/13/2011 08:35:00 am

My favorite quote is "Give your life to God, while there is still time". I like this because it’s so true. I think this tells us that we should live our life the good way and, give yourself to god now while there is time because by the time you know it, that's it. This rap is so awesome because it’s something someone would want to hear over and over again compared to like other preaching's that are just normal. And this really teaches us how we really need to live our life. AWESOME VIDEO :D

Monica D.
1/13/2011 09:04:44 am

"The real superstar is Jesus Christ He's the way He's the Truth and He's the Life" Jesus came to forgive us of our sins, not our favorite pop-star. All they do is sing...He gave us life, He taught us to live, and He helped us. That's more than any other "superstar" has done for. Jesus is the best. Another quote was "Give your life to God, while there is still time." I think this rap is rad.

Nicole L 215
1/13/2011 09:11:39 am

First, I want to say that this rap was amazing and everything it says is so true. It talks about how every star from our time are one day going to meet the real king, Jesus Christ,and then they are going to be just the same as you and me. My favorite line was when she said " CNN got no good news, here's a headline you choose.. " I really loved the entire rap, but I loved that line because it tells us that all the things they tell us now a days that we think are so important and we waste our time focusing on, really aren't what matters in the end. We need to focusing on where we are going to end up when it is all over. If your not sure what the answer is, then you need to change your ways because we don't have forever. The entire rap really spoke to me because it was a new and fresh way to explain or look at things, and it made it more modern and easier to comprehend. Thank you Mrs.Beadel for the amazing video, I really loved it (:

Victoria J. 208
1/13/2011 09:30:04 am

That rap or poem was truely amazing. I have never heard anything like that and it was really hard for me too pick but i had to.So this is the one I liked the most.

"I bet you 50 cent that all dis done came and went. Eventually every black eyed pea, Guen stafani, p-diddy, Brittnay every wanna be on MTV with they icy bling every dixie chick that sings. They all gonna see the king of kings. I dont care if your j-lo, leno, or bono one thing you gotta know some day you gonna die bro then where you gonna go?"

The reason I picked this line out of all the other lines is because it is so true that almost all of the singers or actors ar whatever now a days do not except God in their lives. And then they wonder way their lives are so mest up.They all don't put God into their lives and they turn the wrong way and they end up doing wrong things that,to some people,almost have them killed.

Erika C.- 215
1/13/2011 09:52:22 am

Wow! I had to listen to it about 4 or 5 times before picking the line I liked. I actually chose two lines because I couldn't pick which one was my favorite. "They all gonna see the King of Kings." I chose this line because at one point everyone, including you and me, is going to see the King, Jesus, and He will judge the living and the dead. I also liked "The pain won't kill 'til you love the one who hung on the hill." I picked this line because I really liked the meaning. The meaning is the pain or hurt won't go away until you put God first in your life and let Him take over.

Christina F. / 208
1/13/2011 10:24:15 am

“The real superstar is Jesus Christ. He’s the way, the truth and the life. One day he’s gonna split the sky. He is the brightest light and the highest high. . .” is my favorite line. I think the overall message is that we idolize many celebrities that in our eyes we might want to be them and we think they are “superstars”, when in reality, they have many problems and we think they are great when they are really just fakes. We get so caught up in all the fame, fortune, popularity, etc. and we forget who the real “superstar” is, Jesus. He is the one who shows us the truth of life, and how to live our life, not Madonna or Brittney Spears, or whomever. We get so caught up in our sinful ways, we forget that Jesus it the one who is going to wait for us in heaven, the true celebrity, the real “superstar”. He is the one who will one day come again and split the sky and judge us, the living and the dead.

The final line says, “Give your life to God while there is still time”. This line tells me to live my life the way God expects you to. Also it tells me that I should give my heart, mind, and soul to God, instead of idolizing some celebrity on TV. Thanks Mrs. Beadel, the video is awesome. :)

justin acosta 215
1/13/2011 10:44:20 am

That girl just spitted out these awesome favorite verse is "to be a survivor in this amazing race,with a need for speed you need God's grace. This means to live in this world you need to put God's grace and patience in your life first.

Therese C.215
1/13/2011 11:08:39 am

Hello, Mrs. Beadel! Thanks for uploading this FABULOUS video! I showed my mom & she loved it just as much as I did! My favorite quote was--
"You can shop nonstop or pop a pill, but the void won't fill and the pain won't kill until you love the one that hung on the hill."
That was great and I liked it because you are upset when you don't love Jesus or don't have Him present in your life so you take an aspirin or go shopping to make you feel better- BUT THAT WON"T MAKE YOU BETTER! She says you need to pray and feel Him. Because... you need Him.:)

Bradley Chapman 208
1/13/2011 10:12:25 pm

I love the message of how no matter who you are you still are gonna be knocking on the gates of heaven.I also like how she uses everyday life to describe how wrong we can sometimes be.Im glad there are people like Tamara Lowe out there who know what being a true Catholic is like and are devoted to teaching it to others.

Veronica Gonzalez208
1/13/2011 10:16:45 pm

This video really inspired me. I have never seen someone rap for Jesus like that. When she was talking about all the negative news about deaths, murder,robbery, etc. that we see all the time in the news. Why can't they put something good like "Little girl saves $1,000 for donation in Haiti" or something? Well, believe it or not, negative news is EVERYWHERE. It's the SCOOP of the day, or week. If there was a robbery or murder, it is the top headline or lead story on the news. She was saying, "Why not put Jesus in your life, instead of blocking Him" because we sort of "push" Jesus out of our lives, and we kind of "worship" the new gizmos or gadgets like the nook, or the iPhone, or the iPod Touch, etc. Why can't we give Jesus some of our time by talking to Him, going to Church, reading the Bible, or just simply doing good unto others. Sure it might be hard to be kind to others, but try to find that person who gets left out at school, and make them feel welcome, or confort others when they are depressed. ONE little tiny good thing that you do to another person, you just make their day. When she said, "Jesus is the superstar" she is right, He IS the superstar. HE saved us from our sins. HE opened the gates of Heaven. HE sacrificed Himself for us. He puts the "Christ" in "Christmas." Remember, as in the poem, "YOU CAN'T SPELL 'CHRIST' WITHOUT, 'U'(YOU)."

Joseph B. 208
1/13/2011 10:20:08 pm

My favorite quote from this rhyme would have to be:"The void won't fill the pain won't kill till' you love the one that hung on the hill"

This quote is true. You won't be ok until you get closer to God. You need to love Him and He will always love you. Without God in your life you won't have anyone to catch you when you fall or when you get teased. God is like a bodyguard, He will protect you if you let Him in.

This a great video thank you for sharing!

God is good all the time, all the time god is good.

Steven P.208
1/14/2011 07:21:13 am

Wow thats amazing to make tht long rap. Its cool because she combined the things that go on today with Jesus and God. My favorite part of that rap when she says that Jesus is the true superstar. In that she meant how we admire big superstar we should be admiring Jesus Christ. All the super stars that are making the big money and stuff are going to meet the King one day like us and they will all be as nerves as they are. We all have to choose God in our lifes instead of all this stuff thats not important when we meet the King. I loved the post Mrs.Beadel it was awsome

Alessi A. 208
1/14/2011 07:45:50 am

My favorite line is "you can shop nonstop or pop a pill, but the void won't fill and the pain won't kill until you love the one that hung on the hill"

I like this line because many people look to drugs or other things to make them feel better. They think it will help them, but they just make things worse for them. Only Jesus can help them. It also reminds me of a quote we read earlier in the year.

Another line I like is "give your life to God while there's still time"

I like it because it's saying that people need to turn to God right now. No matter how many bad things you have done because God is forgiving.

Kayla Rodriguez 208
1/14/2011 08:09:28 am

'You can't cope without hope"

I liked alot of the lines in this video. I like the one I chose because it's simple and true. Also, it relates to the quotes in our textbook. It goes something along the lines of 'your never too strong to not need help' Without God, there is no hope. What would we be without hope? When we are going through our toughest times, the best comfort is knowing God is there. Sure, we have our friends to call and shoulders to lean on. But knowing there is no God? I could never imagine getting through anything without Him. Sometimes we feel too strong or proud to not need Him, or everything is so great we just forget to say 'Hey God, thanks" He gets put on my shelf more than I'd like, but I know He is always there. Too me, that's the greatest gift. There is no chance you can fully cope without His hope.

Alyssa G/208
1/14/2011 11:21:55 am

My favorite line was "CNN's got no good news. Here's a headline you must choose." I think it means that there are two paths to follow. One is the right path that requires the truth and right decisions. The other path is the path of evil that leads to the devil.

I also like “I bet you 50 cent Elvis Dunn came and went. Eventually, every Black Eyed Pea and Gwen Stefani, P Diddy and Brittany. Every wannabe on Mtv with the icy bling, Every Dixie Chick that sings they all gonna see the king of kings. I don’t care if you’re JLo, Leno or Bono one thing you gotta know, someday you gonna die bro. Then where you gonna go.” I think this means that we worship all these celebrities because they are famous. Eventually, even they are all going to go to the same place we all are after death. Even if they are famous or have a lot of money doesn’t guarantee that they are going to heaven. She is also saying that they too have a choice to follow the right path in life and believe in Him so that they can have eternal life with God.

Annabelle Menendez -208
1/16/2011 08:14:24 am

Im really sorry i posted late. I was going to post earlier but couldnt find time. I dont know if your going to give me credit but i will do it anyway. This video was so cool. I loved how it was so creative, i was entertained throughout the whole rap. I especially loved the parts where she would mention modern t.v. shows that people watch today like Desperate Housewives,CSI, CNN, American Idol, Oprah, and Dr. Phil. She also mentions famous people andd singers like Donald Trump, 50 Cent, Black Eyed Peas, Gwen Stefani,Diddy, and Britney. My favorite line Tamara said was "But you better check this life that your living and make sure that your sins are forgiven." That is my favorite line because it explains to me that you cant live a terrible life here on earth and then expect to be accepted into heaven, you would have to earn it. There were so many things i loved about this video because it was so different.

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