Favorite Beatitude


Due Wednesday:

Reply to this post:

Which beatitude is the most vital (necessary) to today's society and why?

For full credit, you must include the beatitude in your response enclosed in quotation marks, not have any grammar or spelling errors, and elaborate with examples with a minimum of three sentences.

Amanda Suarez
3/21/2011 11:44:10 am

I believe that the most necessary Beatitude is number seven, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” I believe that this is most necessary in life because if we did not have people who strive to have world peace or at least be civil, the entire world would be corrupt. We need peace to get through daily activities like driving, because if we all had road rage imagine the trouble just getting to school or work.
All who want peace are extremely special in God’s eyes. They want what is right for people in the world, and as we know all people are made in God’s image. An example is in Libya, there is no peace there right now. People are killing and hurting, we cannot have peace while there is destruction. But God will forgive those who later on strive for peace in that country, but if they do not repent they will me marked, as in there will be a higher barrier within them and God. We need to be peacemakers no matter in what situation.

Christina F. / 208
3/21/2011 11:46:24 am

I think the beatitude that is the most vital to today’s society is:

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”

I think this beatitude is the most vital to today’s society because it shows how we need to help those who have suffered a loss or are going through difficult times. We comfort them by praying and remembering loved ones who died, and those who put their lives at risk to do what is right.

In today’s society, we should remember and comfort those in Japan who have suffered because of the earthquake, tsunami, and the radiation from the nuclear power plants. The country of Japan is mourning the loss of thousands of loved ones, but they should find hope and comfort through God and our prayers and support. The United States and other countries around the world are helping Japan in recovery by sending supplies and by military troops.

We also remember those who died on September 11, 2001. We commemorate that day when four planes were taken over by terrorists, and crashed in Pennsylvania, New York, and Washington D.C. These were difficult days and we still mourn our loved ones who died on this day, but prayer and remembrance helped us to deal with our sadness and pain. We are now in the process of creating memorials for each of the sites where the planes crashed.

Alexa C./215
3/21/2011 12:33:31 pm

I think the beatitude that is most vital to today's society is:

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."(Mattew 5:3)

I chose this beatitude because so many people are caught up with having everything and are forgetting life's simple virtues. Everyone thinks if I have the best, and if I have alot of things people will like me more. If I'm jealous of what someone has I'm going to strive to get something better than them. We have to stop worshipping our possesions and turn to God. He is going to be there when we die, not our favorite video game or are favorite outfit.

We also should not keep all we have to ourselves, we should share whatever we have with others. We should not be selfish and greedy, we should donate and help others. Possesions should not take over our life, they should be the least important thing we worry about. We should focus on the good things in life that we can lose very easily, such as:family, friends, food, shelter, protection, being healthy, and life itself. We have to take advantage of all these things while they're still here. We have to "Let go, and let God." It's as simple as that, just commiting ourselves to Christ and God. Follow the very first commandment and do not put anything or worship anything before God.
That is why I think this beatitude is the most vital in our world today because of everything that's going on.
-Thank you for your time

Leslie C. 215
3/22/2011 06:47:28 am

I think all the beatitudes are important in today's society but, I think the most important is:

" Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."

I think this beatitude should be remembered because in today's society, our world runs on one speed and one speed only: You make it or you break it. People, I think, only act conceited because they feel the need to at least get a pat on the back. But they don't realize that by doing this they think themselves hot stuff and always try to outshine others. It's not easy to survive in this world with all that is happening, today.
People should feel good about themselves without shoving it in other's faces. Sometimes it's ok to let others get the credit instead of you. You should be humble and do good all of the time without expecting anything in return. We should follow in Jesus' footsteps. Families pass down to the next generations traditions or for example, principles. And we should continue in passing down theses principles.

Alejandro D. RM 215
3/22/2011 07:17:48 am

I chose the beatitude "Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."

I think that this beatitude is the most vital because as catholics, we need to win this fight against the devil and temptations. In our lives today, many people do many wrong things because they either want fame or reputation or credit. Others follow because they do not want to be called a "Jesus Freak" or categoriezed as lame or not cool. This beatitude is saying that we should stand up for God and we should either show the rest the right way to live or evangilize to others and tell them that neither popularity nor fame matter in life are going to get you into heaven. Only if you start to repent and live lives as Jesus' diciples will you be happier, less stressed, and have a much better chance to get a ticket into heaven. The problem in today's society is that we worry about temporary things instead of what we could have forever ,like happiness, if we love, trust, pray to, thank, and praise God.

Alejandra G./215
3/22/2011 07:22:07 am

I think the beatitude that is most vital to today's society is the following:

"Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied."

I think this beatitude is the most vital to today's society because we need people in the world who always want to do the right thing and follow God's will. Our world is filled with people who are followers and do the wrong thing to be accepted or to be popular. You need to be the leader and be able to do the right thing in life even if it requires losing your friend. People who want righteousness in the world will be satisfied at the end of time with God in heaven. People who want righteousness desire for Christ's presence in the world. One of the ways to have Christ's presence in the world is by acting like Him. Another way of having God's presence in the world is by uniting together in prayer and giving donations to the people in Japan and Haiti. If we would all desire for Christ's presence in the world, then the world would be so much more peaceful. These are all examples of why I think this beatitude is the most vital in our world today.

Victoria L. 215
3/22/2011 07:26:23 am

I think the beatitude that is most important in today's society is:
"Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
I think this is the most important beatitude in today's society because we are so consumed of what people think of us that we don't realize that sometimes what we're doing is wrong. We (especially teenagers) worry so much whether what we say or do will win our friends approval. We need to realize that God wants us to follow His will. This includes spreading God's word, even if it means that you're the only one standing for what is right. We should care less of what our friends think of us and more of what God thinks of us because God will judge if we go to Heaven, not our friends. I believe in order to fully be called a Christian, you must practice what you believe. That's why I think the eighth beatitude is the most important in today's society.

Steven Rivera 215
3/22/2011 07:40:56 am

I think the beatitude that is most vital to today's society is the following:

"Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied."

I picked this one because if you are acually lookinng for God then you won't stop trying. Lets say, if there is this one person named Liz. Now Liz is a devouted Catholich and cant stop looking for God in anything she sees. Like a tree, god might be there and many other places. When Liz is now 84 and very sick in the hospital. She remebers looking for God and Jesus everyday of her life. Since she was so devouted to the Catholic Faith, she has a Preist and Decon come in for her last Communion, Reconsiliation, Baptism, and the Annoiting of the Sick. An hour after dies. She goes to the line in Heaven and finally it is her turn to see God and be in His presence. God says "My daughter. You have fulfilled what I have asked of you. Now since you followed my laws, you may come into my Kingdom." She walks in to see her family and friends who have passed. You see, she was part of Gods plan in her life and so rewarded with the satisfaction of being in heaven with God.

This can happen to any one of us. We need to be more focused on God and nothing else... games, tv, cars, cards, magazines, books, etc.
God takes all his time to love us, nurture us to make us feel good, and not hurt us with sins or lies. So why cant we do the same with Him?

Julian A -208
3/22/2011 07:42:35 am

I think the beatitude that is the most vital to today’s society is:

"Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
I think this because people judge you about your religion. And we have to stand up for what is right and be a leader. If they treat us bad thats their problem. All we are doing is spreading God's word like He wanted us to do. That is why this beatitude i think is most vital in today's society.

Tommy B-215
3/22/2011 07:51:53 am

I think that that the Beatitude that is more vital in today's society is "Blessed are the peacemakers, for the will be called children of God."
I think this is more vital because there is a lot of chaos. For example the chaos in the middle eat with Libya and Egypt. With all that chaos we needed to bomb them. But back to my main point, without peacemakers who will spread peace, world peace, and Jesus' word. Thats my opinion.

Alessi A. 208
3/22/2011 07:56:44 am

I think the most important beatitude is

"Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied."

I think this beatitude is most necessary in today's society because people should want God to be in their lives. You will never have true happiness without God. We need God to help us in hard times, to strengthen us, and guide us. Without God, everyone would be sinning and the world would be a terrible place. Everyone would be unhappy and miserable.

Even though I believe this beatitude is important, the other seven are also vital to our society today. We should not pick and choose what beatitudes to follow. They are all equally important.

3/22/2011 08:12:01 am

I think that the most important beatitude in todays society is:
"blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
I think that this beatitude is important in todays society because, i think that we sometimes forget how much more important God is than material things, and it is destroying the society. Worshiping the material things is leading to alot of hate and jealousy. We have to stop worshipping our material things, and turn to God.

Rachel 215
3/22/2011 08:12:34 am

oops. sorry. i forgot to write my name.

3/22/2011 08:25:39 am

I believe that the beatitude that goes well with today's living is:
" Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."

Especially in today's society, we need peacemakers just like you and I. Life isn't going to just go easy with all this hate and war going on. We need to stop all wars, or at least for us kids stop fighting and stop all the gossip. One change can make a difference. Lets say a girl that gossips a lot, stopped herself and didn't say anything rude or mean. The next day, her best friend saw it as an example and it made her happy! And as she was going to lunch she gave her sandwich to a guy that was always picking on other kids and was always picked on as well. He turned out to be nice, except he was always being bugged, so he just couldn't show the other side of him.Now, the class as confused to why he is so nice, just start treating him different and they accept him like a family. At the end they see that he wasn't the bad and mean, it was just the way that he was treated and he thought by picking on other people helped him get back at them. So as the girl in the beginning stops gossiping, shows an example to her friend and she does do a good deed, the class is now accepting another friend into the class as a family. Many friendships can be made from just one good deed. It's called being a peacemaker and trying your hardest to stop all fights, gossip, and create new friendships.

Victoria roque
3/22/2011 08:26:55 am

I just wrote that. sorry

Kendrick R. 215
3/22/2011 08:33:25 am

I think the most important beatitude is:

"Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"

I think you should always stand up for your religion even if you stand alone ( which you are never are because God is always with you ). For example, based on a true story, from a book called "She said yes" a girl died for saying that she believed in God even if there's a gun pointed at her head, so she became as a modern-day martyr. You should always follow God even if your life depends on it.

Mae-Lynn F. 208
3/22/2011 08:54:27 am

I think the most important beatitude is "Blessed are those who are pursecuted for the sake of rothgeousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
I think you shouldn't be afraid to admit that your have a religion. It doesn't matter what other people think about you just because your catholic or jewish. We all still believe in one God. Don't we? And if some someone does make fun of you, then just say, "God bless you." and walk away.

Lauren G / 208
3/22/2011 10:01:52 am

I think the Beatitude most vital in today’s society is: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.”

I believe this Beatitude is the most vital in today society because if we didn’t have those few very important people that bring people together, then we wouldn’t be where we are today. In order to be a peacemaker you need to show love to everyone and most importantly, bring people together. Why do we pray for peace, when we ourselves could make it happen?
We need to bring out peace, and unite people together in everything we do! For example, we should unite our friends at school, unite our family at home, and unite others on the road. When we unite others on the road, we are causing less road rage and with less road rage is less accidents, less traffic, and fewer fights on the road.
God wanted us to be peacemakers at all times. Those who strive for peace are definitely special. The peacemakers know what is right in the world and would do almost anything to show it. We ourselves need to be peacemakers, because if we aren’t then there will just be so much more violence then there already is. For example right now the most heated war is the war in Libya. Everyone is killing people in that country, thus there is no peace. God though, will forgive those who want to be forgiven. Now, those who don’t care if they are forgiven or not for this horrible sin, will only build a bigger wall between them and God.

Jose Diaz/208
3/22/2011 10:03:25 am

I think the most important beatitude is:

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God."

I think it is vital or necessary to our world today because we need peacemakers now a days because look at all the war in the world right now. Like Lybia and Egypt. We need people to be peacemakers and not mean people that gossip and get in fights and war. We also need people to stop people from fighting and to just relax and tell them to be friends again or something like that. That is what I think I don't know about anyone else.

Jonathan S / 215
3/22/2011 10:03:27 am

I think The most important Beatitude is: " Blessed are The peacemakers for they will be calles children of God." I think this is The most important because we all have fought or argued but never do we stop bight our tongue and walk away. Like what Mrs. Beadel said " kil with kindness." Also we only help each other when there's a crisis like Japan, China wouldn't even talk to them but when disater hit they helped out. I'm not saying it is bad but we should be helping eachothrr even if nothing bad happens.

Jose Diaz/208
3/22/2011 10:07:13 am

By the way I didn't know that Lauren posted that so if it is familiar I'm sorry I didn't know that she posted before me or at the same time I was posting.

Danny Pena. 208
3/22/2011 10:09:19 am

I think the most important beatitude is:

"Blessed are those who are pursecuted for the sake of rightteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

I think this beatitude is important because if people didn't follow this beatitude there would be no one standing up for their religion. But as catholics we live this beatitude out every day by praying at home and at school and by going to church, and if someone does confront you about your religion you should be the bigger person and say "God bless you," and walk away.

Kory FLeming/215
3/22/2011 10:31:24 am

Charles G 215
3/22/2011 10:33:43 am

I think the beatitude that is the most importent is:

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted"

I think that is the most importent beatitude because we can never forget about the people who have lost a family member or a close freind. Like if you saw someone crying and you just pass by him or her without helping him that is a sin. Also like the people in Japan, we are helping them by creating suits because of the powerplant. Like if a person is having problems with his family and people in school make fun of him or her the problem will just get worst for him or her.

Amanda B./208
3/22/2011 10:34:51 am

I think the Beatitude that is vital in our life today is:

“Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

I think that you should always stick up for your religious beliefs even if you are going to risk being persecuted for it. Most people don’t stand up for what they believe in, because they want to be popular and they don’t want to be called a freak or not cool. You should be a leader and tell them that neither popularity nor fame is going to matter in the end. God chooses if you go to heaven not all the people at school that thought you were the most popular girl/guy ever. Instead of thinking of the new stuff that’s coming out, think about your relationship with God and see if it’s as good as you would like it to be. When God is the main source in your life you will be very happy and that is true happiness. This is why I think that this Beatitude is vital in our society today.

Kory Fleming/215
3/22/2011 10:39:14 am

Sorry for the one with just my name but to the point of this blog i think the most important beatitude is "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."

I think its the most important beatitude because without peacemakers there will be no one to spread peace in our world. Take fighting in Lybia and Egypt for example. There was so much chaos in the two countries we had to bomb both countries. If there was peace in those two nations this would have never happened. See without peacemakers we would have more of this chaos in the world today, and without peacemakers there won't be anyone to spread peace, and their won't be anyone to spread the word of God.

Andres D-208
3/22/2011 10:41:35 am

I believe that there is no "most important Beatitude." Jesus gave us all of them and they should all be used. But if I had to pick the most important one in our daily lives it would be:

"Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

This is the first Beatitude and it says that we should not be obsessed with our worldly possessions. Jesus tells his Apostles to leave all that they own to follow Him. So many people today are swallowed up by there greed and their desire for more. They try and fill that "God-shaped hole" in their hearts with more worldly things that they believe will satisfy them. This Beatitude is Jesus telling us that He is the only thing that will make us truly and eternally happy/blessed.

Roberto R.
3/22/2011 10:49:13 am

I think that the most vital beatitude to our society is:

"Blessed are the peacemakers,for they will be called children of God."

I think that this is the most important in our society because their is alot of war going on. If all of us would be peacemakers we could have solved this with peace and if we peacefully negotiated, we would have saved alot of soldiers lives. War cokuld have been avoided if we were all peacemakers.
An example of a war that could have been avoided is in Libya. In Libya, there is alot of hate, anger, and death. It is not just soldiers that are dying, but also innocent civilians. They say that at least 10,000 people have died and 50,000 have been wounded. I think if we handled this situation peacefully, we would have saved alot of lives.

Jasmine H. 215
3/22/2011 11:12:02 am

I think one Beatitude that has to do with society today is:

"Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

I think this Beatitude has to do with todays society because as Catholics, we are not always accepted. It may be hard to realize now because we go to a Catholic School and we all see from the religious point of view. This beatitude is basically telling us that no matter how much we are pounded because we believe in God, because we go to Sunday mass, or because we study/read the bible. In the end if we are strong, tell people something Jesus would say, that the reward in heaven will be greater then any reward on earth and will overcome any cruel or hurtful thing anyone has ever said about your faith.

Monica D/215
3/22/2011 11:15:58 am

I think the most important beatitude in present day is

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."

I chose this one because of all the wars going on in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, and Egypt. There is less and less peace everyday. It is important that we keep peace and friendship. Gossip, lies, and malicious rumors do not help in everyday peace. Peace does not just apply to countries and nations, but to everyone. Peace of mind, home, school, and the world. God wants us to be peaceful and calm. He doesn't want us to stress, because when we're stressing out we tend to leave Him out. He wants us to be happy and not blame Him for things he didn't do, we did. God wants us to make peace with everyone, even our enemies. So peace be with you all!


I love you all, Amen.

Alyssa G./208
3/22/2011 12:05:55 pm

I think the most vital beatitude in our society today is:
"Blessed are those who are poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."

I think this is the most important beatitude because people are forgetting about helping others and instead they are only thinking about themselves and in life.

People that think just because they have the most material things or think about themselves the most doesn't mean they will go to heaven. Thinking about themselves and not sharing with others all the material things they had will not get them to heaven.

People who are poor in spirit will go to heaven because they made a difference in everyone's life. Also, they didn't care about what they had, all they cared about was being a good person inside and out.

Kayla Rodriguez
3/22/2011 12:40:54 pm

"Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."

Let’s set a scene. You’re at the movies with a bunch of friends you have known forever. Life is pretty good at the moment. You guys aren’t a group of bad kids, everyone gets along pretty well, and no there’s no peer pressure amongst any of you, or at least any obvious pressures. But, there’s this kid Franklin and your buddy Bob doesn’t really find Franklin at his “rank”. Bob is not outwardly mean to Franklin, but does give off a negative energy. Okay, now all the wonderful little friends are about to enter the movie theater when Bob says “Dude, Franklin keeps following me. He’s alright but let’s see if we can ditch him” Charming, right? doesn’t that make you want to make Bob happy, accepted by him?
Now, picture yourself being the friends Bob is speaking to and the things that may run through your head.
Friend 1: haha man, Bob is funny. I want to be funny too. I think Jessie is down there with Franklin. It’s not like he’s going to be completely alone. Plus, I don’t think Franklin likes me all that much. Maybe ditching Franklin will make him look bad, and nobody will pay attention to my flaws. It’s better to ditch him.
Friend 2: Oh my gosh. Bob is mean. Would that make me mean too? To ditch Franklin? Maybe I should tell Bob no? Well, it’s not like it was my idea. No, I don’t think I’ll be the one to blame. It’s Bob’s fault. Not mine. I’ll stay quite.
Friend 3: Franklin was my friend since 1st grade. I think he’ll understand. Bob’s friendship gets me some more of my other friends. Franklin will understand… I’m almost sure of it.
These three friends have different personalities, different thoughts. But, all their thoughts revolve around the same idea. A choice. Do I ditch Franklin? Can I speak up to Bob? Sadly, they all chose not to. ALL those friends had a feeling in their stomach, the kind of feeling that eats at your insides until you break. They pushed away those feelings, it makes them feel shameful. When in reality, the real shame is found in pushing away that feeling.
That “feeling” is the one you get when it’s time to make a choice, is screaming at you to make the right choice! It’s the voice that says “LISTEN to ME! I AM the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIGHT! Why are you shutting me out?” Now, how do we push away those feelings? Look back at the things the friends said. They covered up their own shame with false “reasoning” of their sins. Making their ideas, seem “right” when they are wrong and got rid of the voice that tells them what they should do. Soon, if we do this enough (sin), we lose that voice (our conscience). In losing that voice, we lose our judgment, moral values, proper reasoning.
Sorry if you’re lost. So, how does this relate to the beatitude? The one that states "”Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."

Based on the story, do you think those friends stood up for righteousness? What effect do you think it could have made on ALL the friends (even Bob) if just one person stood up for their faith and said “no, this is wrong” Whether they would’ve been persecuted or not, they would have made an impact. If just the mere fear of being putdown keeps us from standing up to injustice, how weak are we? Very. The impact standing up for the right thing can have on society is HUGE. Nobody stands up for much anymore. The people who make a stand, are the ones who make an impact.
Actually, the ones who make a stand, are the people who make a POSITIVE impact. Because the people who stayed quite made an impact too. They made the other friends think “it’s okay, nobody else stood up for him” which is WRONG to think. The same way an act of kindness could go a long way, an act of sin could spread further. Society has enough negative role models. We need strong-faithed people, to defend God. Not another Lil-Wayne. Clearly, we need another Jesus. Guess what? He wants us to be Him. That’s our whole purpose! We CAN get that “next Jesus” role model the world needs. It’s us, the church. It starts with YOU.
To all of you, who stand up for the sake of righteousness, not scared of the worldly consequences, BLESSED ARE YOU.

Kayla Rodriguez
3/22/2011 12:43:10 pm

Let’s set a scene. You’re at the movies with a bunch of friends you have known forever. Life is pretty good at the moment. You guys aren’t a group of bad kids, everyone gets along pretty well, and no there’s no peer pressure amongst any of you, or at least any obvious pressures. But, there’s this kid Franklin and your buddy Bob doesn’t really find Franklin at his “rank”. Bob is not outwardly mean to Franklin, but does give off a negative energy. Okay, now all the wonderful little friends are about to enter the movie theater when Bob says “Dude, Franklin keeps following me. He’s alright but let’s see if we can ditch him” Charming, right? doesn’t that make you want to make Bob happy, accepted by him?
Now, picture yourself being the friends Bob is speaking to and the things that may run through your head.

Friend 1: haha man, Bob is funny. I want to be funny too. I think Jessie is down there with Franklin. It’s not like he’s going to be completely alone. Plus, I don’t think Franklin likes me all that much. Maybe ditching Franklin will make him look bad, and nobody will pay attention to my flaws. It’s better to ditch him.

Friend 2: Oh my gosh. Bob is mean. Would that make me mean too? To ditch Franklin? Maybe I should tell Bob no? Well, it’s not like it was my idea. No, I don’t think I’ll be the one to blame. It’s Bob’s fault. Not mine. I’ll stay quite.

Friend 3: Franklin was my friend since 1st grade. I think he’ll understand. Bob’s friendship gets me some more of my other friends. Franklin will understand… I’m almost sure of it.

These three friends have different personalities, different thoughts. But, all their thoughts revolve around the same idea. A choice. Do I ditch Franklin? Can I speak up to Bob? Sadly, they all chose not to. ALL those friends had a feeling in their stomach, the kind of feeling that eats at your insides until you break. They pushed away those feelings, it makes them feel shameful. When in reality, the real shame is found in pushing away that feeling.

That “feeling” is the one you get when it’s time to make a choice, is screaming at you to make the right choice! It’s the voice that says “LISTEN to ME! I AM the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIGHT! Why are you shutting me out?” Now, how do we push away those feelings? Look back at the things the friends said. They covered up their own shame with false “reasoning” of their sins. Making their ideas, seem “right” when they are wrong and got rid of the voice that tells them what they should do. Soon, if we do this enough (sin), we lose that voice (our conscience). In losing that voice, we lose our judgment, moral values, proper reasoning.

Sorry if you’re lost. So, how does this relate to the beatitude? The one that states "”Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."

Based on the story, do you think those friends stood up for righteousness? What effect do you think it could have made on ALL the friends (even Bob) if just one person stood up for their faith and said “no, this is wrong” Whether they would’ve been persecuted or not, they would have made an impact. If just the mere fear of being putdown keeps us from standing up to injustice, how weak are we? Very. The impact standing up for the right thing can have on society is HUGE. Nobody stands up for much anymore. The people who make a stand, are the ones who make an impact.

Actually, the ones who make a stand, are the people who make a POSITIVE impact. Because the people who stayed quite made an impact too. They made the other friends think “it’s okay, nobody else stood up for him” which is WRONG to think. The same way an act of kindness could go a long way, an act of sin could spread further. Society has enough negative role models. We need strong-faithed people, to defend God. Not another Lil-Wayne. Clearly, we need another Jesus. Guess what? He wants us to be Him. That’s our whole purpose! We CAN get that “next Jesus” role model the world needs. It’s us, the church. It starts with YOU.

To all of you, who stand up for the sake of righteousness, not scared of the worldly consequences, BLESSED ARE YOU.

(sorry i put better spacing to be easier to read)

Karina A. 208
3/22/2011 12:46:42 pm

I think the most important beatitude in this society today would be:
" Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the land."

I believe this beatitude is the one that is vital to today's society people today aren't humble about their God given talents. They use them for other needs instead of God and others.

Those who are humble to others are going to be given love and kindness from others and especially God.People don't realize that you have to be thankful for your gifts and talents and not use them to gloat about. God didn't give you talents for you to show off to others. He gave them to you to use them for good use. Everyone has a special talent in their life that they can use for good.

Jordan H.208
3/22/2011 12:52:21 pm

I believe the most important is "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God." I chose this one because all you here on the radio or on the television is terrorist bombed this, or another war broke out in Egypt. It's horrible what this world has turned into what it is because there are many different ways to make peace with the terrorist or stop the war in egypt. The person that one day dose this is in my book not only a hero but a ture peacemaker that should and probably is blessed in the eyes of God.

Danny Peña. 208
3/23/2011 05:21:38 am

Hope your doing better Mrs.Beadel my family is keeping you in our prayers.

anthony m 215
3/23/2011 06:23:05 am

i know what it feels like mres. beadel,i pray for you

anthony m 215
3/23/2011 06:31:52 am

i think the most important beatitude is "lessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God"
i think this is the most important because nowadays, war is interminable. people start it for stupid reasons. can we just take a break please? i mean, ive seenlittle five year old playing Call of Duty, or Modern Warfare, or whatever, thats prettysad, why cant we just go back to when they liked to count their toes? or play outside with a nice red ball? i just dont get it.

anthony m 215
3/23/2011 06:33:01 am

sorry i mispelled Blessed.

Lucy m 215
3/23/2011 06:37:55 am

Hi mrs.Beadel I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother but look on the bright side she is happy now with God watching over you and your family. Plus you have 4 classes that love you and that are praying for you and your family.
God has a reson for everything.

Love ya Mrs.Beadel and we're praying for you.

Aejandra G./215
3/23/2011 06:50:40 am

Hi Mrs. Beadel! I am sorry to hear about your grandmother. We missed you today. Hope you feel better. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I love you!

Lucy m 215
3/23/2011 06:53:57 am

I think the most impotant beatitude is "Blesed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God.", because there are so many bad pleople out there stalking each other and people killing one another that they think it's okay? NO! Why is it that they think it is? It personaly gives me the creeps. They will not see God they'll see hell.But the people who do the opposite(I think that's how you spell it) will see God and happieness. These people are good people and I hope to fall here in this group.

P.S I know it's fun to watch who done its because thats my favorit kind of show. But in real life I kinda get scared of murders and bad people.

Luv ya Bye!!!!!! :P

Kendrick R. 215
3/23/2011 07:05:28 am

Hi Mrs. Beadel! I'm so sorry about your Grandmother. I will pray for you and your family. Hope you feel better!

~Kendrick R.

Kayla Rodriguez
3/23/2011 07:46:57 am

Your in our prayers mrs.beadel.. you have God to help guide you through this rough time.. remember, your strong <3

Sam D. 215
3/23/2011 07:47:14 am

hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm..... lets see theres alot that i think relate to now but mostly i agree with Alexa.

"Blessed are the poor in spirits, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven."

Theres alot of things going on now with different countries or just personal problems, but this is the time when we shouldn't go to our possesions. I'm not saying that even when there isn't crist we can go to our possesions, but theres so many people that care about us and we don't always notice because were always on an electronic or doing something with something else that were obssesed with. Maybe, if we pay more attention to family and friends and GOD we'd be living in a better world then what we live in today. That's just my opinion though.

Peace . Pray . Love . Cheer . Happiness . FOOTBALL

Sam D. 215
3/23/2011 07:58:44 am

First of all, Mrs.Beadel i wanted you to know that the only reason i came onto the website is to tell you how sorry i felt. (i didn't know there was a blog) (yikes) Anyways i'm really sorry for your loss

"Blessed are the meek, for they shall be comforted"

Just like the Beatitude says Mrs.Beadel theres alot of people that care about you at school. Were like one big family. Were gonna help you through this and we'll comfort you we've learned so much from you , and maybe now you can learn something from us. How much we care about one another were here for eachother because we care and we all have a relationship that noone can break. thats because we trust eachother and I know that i will keep you in my prayers. I'm sorry that what happened, happened, but God thought it was her time look on the positive side she'll be waiting for you , and she'll be happy in Heaven forever


hope this gets your spirits up at least a little. Your always so up beat thats why we love you Mrs.Beadel, because your not boring (eeeewwww yucky hahaha) your lots of fun, and have a great personality, and funny, and extremely creative. If i ever meet someone more creative than you trust me i'll let you know your all these things, plus more. I know thought that i can't list them all though.

Peace . Pray . Love . Cheer . Happiness . Football

Daniel CAMACHO. 208
3/23/2011 08:57:23 am

I think the most important beatitude is "Blesed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God.",

Those who behave bad in the world and those who dont have clean hearts wont be able to see God when they die. This means that if you are a good person who always chooses the right and good option then you will be able to stay with God after you die. Some examples of how doing the right thing is like when you see a poor man who needs help. If you pick the right choice then you will go and help that poor man in all the things he needs. These are ways of staying with clean heart so that you can see God.

Amanda de Winter - 215
3/23/2011 09:02:21 am

I think the most important Beatitude is, "Blessed are the meek for they shall possess the earth." I think this is the most important Beatitude because people are so distracted by things that don't matter. Like the poem that you gave us in the 1st trimester, In 100 years from now. This poem says all the things that won't matter in 100 years. Your phone, computer, car, house, whatever it is you are attached to won't matter. God matters and he wants you to be humble about things and when you do you will get so much i return. The world would really be a better place if everyone was meek.

By the way Mrs. Beadel, I'm so sorry about your grandmother. I totally know how you feel and I'll be praying for you. :(

Steven R. 215
3/23/2011 09:22:14 am

hey everyone. As you know Mrs. Beadel's grandmother passed away and I just wanted you to keep her and her family ing your prayers. Most of you have gone through this like I have so if you were hurt let's not make her. Pray every night for her and the repose of her grandmothers soul. Thank you and goodnight. Hope you get better and recover from this loss fast. Remember God is always with you especially now.

O ya I don't mean to copy anyone because I didn't know anyone else would do this so ya.

Jose Diaz/208
3/23/2011 09:43:36 am

I'm sorry I didn't go to your class yesterday but Mr.B told me I had to leave because the game was at Key Biscanne.

And I'm so sorry about your grandmother. I hope you feel better and I will keep yo in my prayers.


Jose Diaz/208
3/23/2011 09:46:52 am

*You. I will be praying for you and your family through this hard time. My family is praying for you and yoour family. Like I said earlier.


Bradley Chapman 208
3/23/2011 10:09:30 am

I think the most important beatitude is "Blessed are the poor in spirits, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven"

I think its important that we don't make material objects the center of our life. Society today is just so full of it self with items like clothes and money and electronics and cars and houses. Society needs to go back to a simpilar way of life where we look more to God for happiness than material items. In the end you can't take it to Heaven or Hell with you.Those who are more basic and simpilar and not conceded with all these material items in my opinion will have a better life after death because they are following the beatitudes.

Amanda B./208
3/23/2011 10:15:59 am

I will keep your grandmother in my prayers. Hope you feel better Mrs. Beadel and remember God doesn't put you through anything unless you can handle it. I love you!

Annabelle M./208
3/23/2011 10:52:02 am

Heey Mrs. Beadel,
I think the Beatitude that fits in with everyday life is "Blessed are they who mourn,for they shall be comforted." This beatitude is soooo beautful, it means that all the pain, suffering, and heartache that humans suffer on earth will be taken away from them in heaven, and God will comfort you. I'm sooo sorry to hear about your grandmother and i'm keeping her in my prayers, and it might just tie in with the Beatitude i chose.Just remember, God might have needed her more than you, dont blame yourself for anything because everybody loses a loved one at least once in their life. God Bless You ! (:

Jasmine H. 215
3/23/2011 11:21:01 am

Mrs. Beadel,
I'm sorry about your lost. I am keeping you, your family, and your grandmother in my family <3 Hope to see you soon and feel better.

3/23/2011 11:21:27 am

I meant in my prayers

Nicole L 215
3/23/2011 11:23:23 am

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.”

I think this beatitude is vital to our society because we need people in our modern world to keep the peace. We tend to act on impulse and do what we want to ourselves, others, and even God. The peacemakers in the world, are the ones who are there to show and tell you to think about the way that you act. Our society has so much wrong in it that encourages this kind of behavior. Seriously, have you ever seen some of the reality shows now a days ? Its ridiculous. Both adults and children watch this and a lot of times it affects the way people start to act. When this happens, the people in today's society need peacemakers to step in and solve this issue for them because they are too blinded by their negative actions to fix it themselves.
Peacemakers are people who basically unite others. Our society would be nothing without those few special people we like to call peacemakers. They unite our friends, family, and all kinds of people in society. God wants us to all be peacemakers at all times in our lives. When we bring people peace of mind or just peace over all, you are making that person happy and that makes the Lord happy. The people who have a special connection with God and are called to be peacemakers are special and should be noticed for the good they do. We need to realize those are the people to surround ourselves with and the type of people to go to whenever you need anyone.
If we had more peacemakers in our world today we wold not have so many worldwide problems. Such as the situations in Libya, what happened in Egypt, and all the other problems. These things are so sad and really ruin our world and relationships for our society. Even though God forgives these horrible actions and sins, with more peacemakers we wouldn't need to worry about be forgiven as much as we do now.

Also, Mrs. Beadel know that you and your family are in our prayers. God will help you through these tough times. Remember that prayer is the best connection to God, and he is going to be the greatest help through this. We love you very much <3 and we missed you in class today.

justin a 215
3/23/2011 11:45:56 am

My favorite Beatitude is "Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for there is the Kingdom of Heavem." this is my favorite Beatitude because imagine us Americans in the Revulutionary War without the Patriots. They were persecuted by the British, but at the end we gained freedom. So thats my Beatitude relates to. They pay the price in the beginining, but at the end we get the thing we want at the end whether if its a free country or entering the Kingdom of God

Natalie G
3/23/2011 11:46:00 am

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, again they hunger and thirst for righteousness, because these are things they KNOW THEY LACK! They, the Blessed People, know they are sinners, they lack their own righteousness and so they seek it from God, from Christ, they are filled with a righteousness of our Lord. This is important to me because God wants us to go for Him, Not for evil and when you hunger for righteousness You are saying im a sinner but i still want to follow God!

Also Mrs Beadel I pray for you your family and your grandmother i know exactly how you feel just remember God id always here to comfort you and she is now in a better place where everything is just PERFECT! God was ready for her! But anyways it is sad but just look at God and Family and Friends because they will always be thier. Feel better
Lots of Love
~Natalie G. / 215

Joseph B. 208
3/23/2011 11:46:17 am

I think "Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God," is the most important beatitude. If you are not pure in heart your relationship with God will fail. Being pure in heart means to be nice to others and respect EVERYONE. This is just my opinion and if you are pure in heart you will respect that.

Victoria L. 215
3/23/2011 11:57:18 am

Mrs.Beadel I wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my prayers. I hope you feel better! We missed you at school! <3

Karyna P. 215
3/23/2011 12:26:19 pm

I think the beatitude "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God" is most vital in our world today. There are so many wars and so much fighting everywhere that people don't open their eyes and hearts to God. People should pray and attend mass instead of using weapons or hurtful words.

Daniella M./215
3/23/2011 12:49:41 pm

I think the beatitude that is most vital to today's society is:

"Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied."

I think this beatitude is the most vital to today's society because we need to try to do God’s will. We have so many followers in our world. We need to learn to be leaders. People need to become righteous people. We must desire righteousness in order to be filled. We need to be more like God. A way of having God’s presence is when we pray for those in need of prayer like, Japan and Mrs. Beadel’s grandmother. Also for the ones who past away on nine eleven.

Mrs. Beadel I am sooooo very sorry for your lost. It is tough but God chose for her to pass away for a reason. You and your family are in my prayers. Hope you are doing better :'( I will miss you in class <3

Veronica Gonzalez 208
3/24/2011 04:48:15 am

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." I think that this Beatitude is very important in our society because there is so much war in our world. Countries can't deicde to make peace because they hold grudges. It's amazing how something bad has to happen so that countries can join alliances like China and Japan, for example. (Sorry for posting this late, I thought that we only had to comment on the videos).

Alexa C./215
3/24/2011 09:41:56 am

I'm truly sorry for the loss of your grandmother Mrs.Beadel. It's very sad, but as Lucy said everything happens for a reason. Just know that you have like 300 people from the school praying for you. Just find that strength somewhere deep inside you to keep going.

Love you
Alexa Cruz

Anthony Rodriguez 208
3/24/2011 10:42:50 pm

I forgot to post on this, I didnt check this was my fault :(

Rachel 215
3/27/2011 10:04:12 am

i and my family are praying for you and your grandmother in your lime of sorrow.

( so sorry i didn't post this earlier.)

Marlon G 215
3/28/2011 04:31:04 am

The Beatitude , " blessed are the peacemakers : for they shall be called children of God." is the most important Beatitude in my opinion. The reason I think that is because a peacekeeper is those who not only live in peace with others but moreover do their best to preserve peace and friendship among others and between God , and to restore peace when it has been disturbed. If everyone is a "peacekeeper" their will be no war , less sadness and much less conflict. That is why I think this is the most important Beatitude.

Erika C.-215
3/28/2011 07:14:05 am

The beatitude that I think is the most vital in today society is:

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."

This Beatitude is vital for today's society because today we are so attached to material things instead of God. This Beatitude is telling us that we need to wake up and stop being selfish, but instead be selfless. Today, this is one of the hardest things to do since everyday there are new things coming out like cars, shoes, watches, clothes, perfumes, and many other material things. We need to stop always wanting, wanting, and wanting and start giving, giving, and giving. We need to turn to God instead of all these materialistic things that at the end, will not matter or be there to save us.

There is this poster in one of the classrooms that says, "The best things in life aren't things." This to me says so much. It says that family, friends, and God are the best things in life, not actual things.

Therese C. 215
3/29/2011 09:08:29 am

I think the most important Beattitude is "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven" because nowadays, people are always wanting new things that we don't focus on what's really important. There is a movie called "The Game Plan" that has a really good message to it. It's about how this guy is so focused on his football career and money and women, he doesn't pay any attention to God or to his own daughter! Later in the movie, he starts to get to know his daughter and focuses less on materialistic things. I made a connection with this Beattitide because I am always so caught up with my cell phone and my music and A LOT of television( you can tell because I just talked about a movie a re-watched!) that I don't remember that God gave me these gifts for a reason! Music so I can express myself and sing His songs in choir, my cell phone so I can contact people, and television... well I use that one in an unnecessary way.:P But still, I should spend my time praying and thanking instead of playing and relaxing. I love you Mrs. Beasdel! U rock!

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