Your only homework for this evening is to read page 100 for tomorrow. Take special notice on the Beatitudes sections, trying to deternine the message and meaning befind each one. You do not need to memorize anything, but be very comfortable with the text prior to tomorrow's class.

Reply to this post by brainstorming some things you are thinking about giving up and things you are going to take on this Lenten season. This is due on Ash Wednesday.

For example:

For the next fory days,  I promise to give up ALL sweets. I am not going to try to make it easy by eliminating only one type of temptation. I'm going all in!

Additionally, I am going to add in the commitment of going to the gym five times a week to nurture the body God gave me and expected me to make healthy.

Lauren G/ 208
3/7/2011 07:13:34 am

This Lenten season I was thinking of giving up soda and fast food. In addition, I was going to take on praying twice a day.

Alejandra G./ 215
3/7/2011 07:55:10 am

I am going to give up soda and Capri Sun this Lenten season. I want to give up soda all together instead of just Coke or Sprite because Jesus gave His life for us. He didn't say He was just going to die for a certain group of people or for a certain time. Now that I know what Lent is really about, I want to actually give this up and try not to have it. Additionally, I want to read the Bible before going to bed. This is going to help me to grow closer to God and to have a better relationship with Him.

Lauren G
3/7/2011 08:18:08 am

This is to add on to what I wrote originally:

This Lenten season I am going to give up soda for Lent. I am not going to give up only Sprite or Sunkist, I am going to give up every soda. I am also going to give up fast food, meaning I am not only going to give up only Burger King. I am going to give up all the fast food restaurants. In addition, I am going to take on praying twice a day. By doing this, I will be able to grow close to God.

Alexa C./ 215
3/7/2011 08:57:35 am

This Lenten season I am going to give up all sweets. I think that giving this up will not only help me grow closer to God, but I will be helping my body. I will not just give up a certain sweet because as Mrs.Beadel said in our class " Jesus didn't give up His life for just certain people, He gave up for all of us." I will also try to go to church more often and to give thanks everyday for what I have. This is not going to be something I am just saying I will do, I will succeed. Basically I know giving up sweets is hard, but Christ gave up His life for me, so He deserves it.

Kendrick R. 215
3/7/2011 09:11:46 am

This Lenten season, I will give up my iPad. While we were learning about Jesus' temptation in the desert, I was thinking of all the things that tempt me. When I got home, everytime I look at my iPad or iPod, there is always a voice in my head to tell me to play with it when I'm not aloud to (I'm not aloud to use any type of electronics except my lame cell phone and my laptop. My mom doesn't trust me with my iPod & iPad. She's right...). But after we finished the lesson of Jesus in the desert, I learned that the voice in my head was the devil tempting me. Soon, I was able to control myself from my "addiction" (as my mom says it) and make my relationship with God stronger. I also noticed that I dont pray daily every night so I will also start praying every night. My bad habbit is that I always think that when I'm about sin, (I think I'm getting personal) I always think of this: 'Oh, I will be a better person when I become older' and I kept on doing the same thing over and over again, so I will stop doing that and forgive my sins from what I'd done. (this might had taken me like, 10 minutes to type and think!)

Danny P. 208
3/7/2011 09:44:51 am

This Lenton season, I will give up soda. I think that giving up soda will help me stop my "addiction" and it will help me stop putting things infront of God. I will try to exercise more by playing sports, this will help excersise myself and excercise my faith with God.

Karyna P. 215
3/7/2011 09:45:46 am

I'm giving up soda and facebook. It will be really hard because we have soooo much soda in the house and I have facebook on my phone, but your lecture inspired to give up things we love. Also I am going to try to make healthier choices for myself.

Karyna P. 215
3/7/2011 09:47:32 am

Inspired me**

Alyssa G/208
3/7/2011 09:59:49 am

For this Lenten season I am going to give up all soda and sweets. I am also going to make an effort to start praying and read a Bible passage every night. Just like Jesus gave up his life for us, the least I can do is sacrifice something I really like for these forty days.

Amanda D. 215
3/7/2011 10:06:29 am

This Lenten season I'm going to give up going on the computer. (not including things for school.) Any e-mails, IMs, or games is all gone for 40 days. Instead of going on the computer I will pray or read the Bible to get closer to God and to and hopefully break the habit of going on it too much.

Mrs. Beadel
3/7/2011 10:25:34 am

Wow, Class!!

Great responses so far! I'm so happy that you are all taking this seriously!

Kendrick, I love that you're getting personal! It takes a lot of strength to do so.

Alejandro D. 215
3/7/2011 11:20:15 am

I am going to give up pizza. I am also going to clean up my room each day to make things easier for my family.

Jasmine H. 215
3/7/2011 11:41:59 am

This Lenten season I had a really hard time on thinking on what to give up. Mrs. Iglesias told me to give up talking, that would be just lovely. Well I was debating on whether or not to let go of texting, but then I would still use the cell phone for talking to people. I also need to keep in contact with my parents during the festival (now I know these are all excuses.) I gave a lot of thought into it and I finally decided to treat my parents and my little sister better. When we get home we have homework and we're tired, but my mom has one of the hardest jobs ever... and that's dealing with my sister, and my dad's work, and family, and school, and driving me where I need to go and I bet it's just crazy. My dad works long hours. I think they deserve better, and if they deserve better, imagine how much better Jesus should receive? Just some thought into my thoughts when I was thinking about what to give up or make myself better for God.

3/7/2011 11:52:07 pm

Julian A-208
3/8/2011 02:39:57 am

This Lenten Season I am thinking of giving up all sweets, bread, pasta, and rice. Also last but not least soda. I want to give up more because i want to make this Lenten season serious not like all the years before. And i am also going to pray the Rosary every Sunday even though I went to Church. I am taking this Lenten season serious because of Jesus he went through all this pain and suffering.

Amanda S.-208
3/8/2011 02:40:29 am

For this Lenten season I will give up my picking(pinching) of my arms. This will make me a stronger person, and for me to say no to the temptaation. I willnow gko and promise to fo to mass more een if my Dad doesn't go.

Daniel Camacho. 208
3/8/2011 02:46:01 am

For this Lenten season im going to to give up a video game that has caused me to do hw more late at night because i dont want to stop playing.So if i stop i can finish my hw early and make sure i keep my grades up. I will also stop fighting with my siter so i can be a better person and stay without tempations.

Veronica Gonzalez 208
3/8/2011 04:24:21 am

For this Lenton Season I"m going to give up sweets and possibly soda. I will also try to read Scripture more often. When we think about how Jesus sacrificed Himself for us it sometimes makes us feel like our sacrifices are puny. I will really try to do all of these things. :)

Kayla rodirguez 208
3/8/2011 04:39:47 am

This Lenten season I'm going to focus more on school, taking better notes, and getting my homeworkdone. I know I'm a smart kid if i apply myself, and at times I don't. I've considered giving up other things like facebook and my cell phone. But, I need my cell phome to keep in touch wiIh my parents. However, I will limit my use on both my cell phone and facebook. In the end, my main goal is to be a better student and get first honors this trimester.

Victoria L. 215
3/8/2011 05:11:25 am

This Lenten season I am giving up sweets and coke. This is a really big challenge for me since I always have coke on the weekends, and leave room for dessert after most of my meals. I debated on whether I should really give this up, but then realized that Jesus gave up His life for us. So I thought that I could definitely handle the sacrifice since it's so minor compared to His sacrifice. During the next forty days, I am going to start praying for real, not just saying: Jesus I love you, Amen. This will hopefully strengthen my relationship with God. Also, when this Lenten season is over I hope to have more willpower against sweets and the strength to do the right thing.

Karina A. 208
3/8/2011 05:30:28 am

This Lenten season I have decided to give up fastfood and bread. I am not going to just give up bread that comes in the pack but I am going to give up ANYTHING that has breading on it or contains sone bread in it. One thing I am going to start is to pray every morning and night. Hopefully after these hard 40 days I will be a different and better person to my family, friends, myself and especially God. Good luck to everyone :)

Daniella M./215
3/8/2011 06:12:09 am

This lenten season I have decided to give up soda, fast food, and sweets. Usually when i give up something I will change it in the middle of the lenten season because it is too hard to maintain. And then I would just give up something else that i hardly eat or drink. This year I am going to keep my word and I will not give up on what I have given up. Hopefully after the 40 days I will eat less sweets and fast food and also drink less soda. Jesus gave up His life for us, so the least I could do is give up more to show that I do respect what He did for us. I also really want to become closer to God by simply saying a prayer each night. I have faith in myself that i will keep my word and do what is better for me. (:

Tommy B-215
3/8/2011 06:35:23 am

This Lenten I am giving up sweets, soda, and sugars. This will help me become more healthier both physically and religiously. I will also take better test scores, notes, and keep my grades up

Gaby A.208
3/8/2011 06:35:27 am

Hi! Well this Lenten season I have decided to give up cursing and gossiping.Cursing is a horrible habit and I am sick of it so i have decided to try to stop it with lent.I promise to whoever read this and who ever doesn't I don't make up anything or start anything but, I do spread things around and I'm really sorry about that I have gotten better at it but I know lent will help me with it more (I also promised a friend).I'm going to try to go to mass more often so I can try to get closer to God:D

anthony m 215
3/8/2011 06:51:46 am


anthony m 215
3/8/2011 06:53:51 am

i decided im going to give up HALO. i know its a pretty lousy thing to give up, considering all He did, but yes.

Annabelle Menendez - 208
3/8/2011 06:54:10 am

This Lenten season I am going to give up ALL types of soda and sweets. Im very sure this is going to be hard for me, but im willing to try and see my results in the end. I am also going to make it routine to pray every night.

Jose D 208
3/8/2011 07:02:35 am

This Lenten season I am going to give up my video games. For this Lenten season I am going to try to get to know God better. It is definitely going to be hard because I play video games every weekend and it will make me pray and get closer to God. Like you said Mrs.Beadel I will get the bible and read for five minutes becuase he died for us but it is sad that we can't do this for forty days and that He died for us that is just something that all of us have to remember.

Rachel 215
3/8/2011 07:03:34 am

This Lenten season, I'm going to give up dark chocolate and diet coke and Pepsi. This may sound like too little, but really, that is the only type of soda and chocolate I eat and drink. I hate sweets. I will also make more time to pray and read the bible. Hopefully, by the end of lent, I'll be different (and drink less soda. A friend suggested i stop being quiet for lent, but i dont think that counts. oh well.)!

Andres D-208
3/8/2011 07:32:45 am

This Lenten season I am giving up my Itouch. This is a big deal for me because I am on it a lot. So the time that i would normally spend blasting dubstep or techno, I will do something productive instead. I will read more (for AR and the Bible) and pray and stay connected with God more.

Erika C-215
3/8/2011 08:17:53 am

This Lenten season I am going to give up ALL sweets. This is going to be hard for me because I eat alot if junk and sweets. The sweets I will not be eating this Lenten season are cupcakes, cakes, candy, and cookies. I am also going to do my homework as soon as I get home and keep my room clean. I will pray every night before I go to sleep.

charles 215
3/8/2011 08:22:07 am

In this lent I whant to give up my I toutch. I am going to give up my I toutch because I am sick of me giving up small things like only one game or only one type of candy. Because when i think about it we only have to give up one thing for 40 days. when Jeasus fasted for 40 days.

Amanda B./208
3/8/2011 08:38:37 am

This Lenten Season, I am going to give up sweets and fast food. I will try to stick to it. It will be hard, because of the festival coming up this weekend. I will also start praying more often (before meals and before I go to sleep) to keep my relationship with God close.

Victoria L.215
3/8/2011 08:41:37 am

Sorry there was supposed to be an "I" between then and realized. Thanks again for the post on the test review!

Jonathan S / 215
3/8/2011 09:12:40 am

I will give up talking back or disrespecting my parents and teachers. I know what your thinking "he cant do that" or "he'll crack in a week". I might or I might not but all I know is one thing and that is God will help me in this journey like he did for all my life. Also if I do talk back or disrespect it will most likely slip because I know that God forgives and it's not talking back thats a sin it is doing it on purpose.

Augusto C.215
3/8/2011 09:15:08 am

This Lenten season, I am going to give up sweets and coke. In addition to that for 40 days I am not going to be mean or disrespectful to my parents and sister.

Monica D/215
3/8/2011 09:20:27 am

This Lenten season I'm going to try to be kind to my siblings, try harder at football and try to work a little harder at school.

Love + Happiness= Joy and Peace

Mae-Lynn F.
3/8/2011 09:24:37 am

This Lenten season im going to wacth tv less, and during that time I have, im going to try to read more and exersize more.Even though I do like 15 hours of dance each week. Wow. I've gained 30 pounds when I started wacthing tv more.Wow.its going to be alot bettter for me because Ill be able to read the Bible more.You've inspired me Mrs. Beadel. So this way it can be healthier for myslef and my soul.

Steven R. 215
3/8/2011 09:34:42 am

During this Lenten season, i will try to give up a couple this. Now I'm not one of the people to say "Oh ya i will read the bible every day." No! (not harshly the no!) If is almost impossible for kids our age not to us ipods or ipads. Maby even their computer. I like coke alot so that is one of the things. I have a few other ones that are involving God and wouldnt like to say what they are. Well I guess im saying, it wont be easy giving up the things you love. :D $ :(

Thank you for reading my comment!

Veronica Gonzalez 208
3/8/2011 09:35:52 am

(This is an add-on to my original response) This Lenton Season, I am planning to give up sweets and possibly soda. I am also planning to give up at least a few minutes of my time, maybe three times a week, to read Scripture. It will be difficult for me to give up sweets but I will do my best not to be tempted. When we think about the great sacrifice that Jesus did, it makes us feel that our sacrifices are "puny." I will also try to become a better person by not fighting with my younger siblings and respecting my parents more as would do (had).

Christina F. / 208
3/8/2011 10:19:54 am

For the next forty days, I will give up something I enjoy and start doing something new. I will give up ice cream, frozen yogurt, and popsicles, and replace them with healthier choices, like fresh fruits. In addition, I will start to say a prayer every day in the car, on my way from home to school and at night before going to sleep; I will remember in my prayers all those who are ill or are going through a difficult time. These are small sacrifices compared to what Jesus gave up and did for us.

Alessi A. - 208
3/8/2011 11:26:08 am

During this Lenten season I am going to give up all sweets and soda. I had always only given up one thing but this year I was inspired to try something more challenging. I am going to pray at least four times a day and read the Bible once a day for five minutes. I am hoping to continue this even after Lent. I think that Jesus gave the ultimate sacrafice and that this is nothing compared to what he did for us.

Steven P.208
3/8/2011 07:21:24 pm

For this Lenten season im going to give up gum and my PS3 (play station 3). I was going to just give up gum but it seemrd to easy and givig up my PS3 which I use mostly everyday gives me more time to do stuff like pray to God or pray the rosary instead of sitting on the couch looking at a tv with a remote playing video games.

Jordan H.208
3/8/2011 07:26:50 pm

For this lenten season i was thinking that i should give up soda and juice and also use my computer less so that gives me more time to be with my family and pray or just read random bible stories.

Kory F./215
3/8/2011 08:13:38 pm

For this lenten season i am going to really focus more on school by taking notes and not talking in class so much and i am going to give up my computer and facebook because i am so attached to them i need to let them go and spend more time with my family.

Justin a 215
3/8/2011 10:05:09 pm

For this Lenten season im really going to set my mind to school,try to do my homework first thing everyday. As well as all the bad habits i do like talking back to my parents

3/9/2011 05:29:09 am


Alex R 208
3/9/2011 05:55:55 am

I am going to try and give up mcdonalds so I can live a healthier life and a more faithful life to God

Joseph B. 208
3/9/2011 07:34:46 am

For the next fory days, I promise to give up soda. I am not going to try to make it easy by eliminating only one type of temptation. I'm going all in!

Additionally, I am going to add in the commitment of reading the bible for 10 minutes before going to bed to strengthen my faith with God.

Therese C. 215
3/9/2011 08:19:08 am

This Lent, I am going to give up BITING MY NAILS. Yes, you read me right: biting my nails. For those of you who know me well, you know that is almost IMPOSSIBLE because I ALWAYS do this horrific habbit even when I'm not thinking about it. But, Jesus suffered a lot more than what I'm going to go through... so I'm up for it! I am also going to try TO FINISH THE 40 BOOK CHALLENGE this Lent. :) I have 10 books left and I know I can do it!!!!! I will also try to pray for my classmates more (*shout out to Natalie and your eye;))

Marlon G 215
3/9/2011 08:24:18 am

This Lenten Season I am going to give up soda because its unhealthy .
Also i am going to try to drink more water.

Leslie C. # 215
3/9/2011 08:41:46 am

This Lenten season, I'm going to give up snacking at night. Which I know isn't good for my body. And instead, I am just going to drink water. Also, I plan to read a section of a chapter in the Bible.

Anthony Rodriguez 208
3/9/2011 08:44:09 am

This Lenten Season I will choose not to give up anything for Lent. But I will try to save up coins for these 40 days, then give it charity. I thought of this because I want to change the world in a way that one family in this world will be happy.

Nicole L 215
3/9/2011 11:16:45 am

For Lent this year, I am giving up all sodas. In addition, I will pray every night. I gave up all sodas instead of just one because JEsus did not only die for a certain amount of people or a certain group. He gave His life for all. I will pray every night because Jesus prayed before He was crucified and taught the disciples the Lord's Prayer. He prayed whenever he was in need, and I should take on the habit of praying more often throughout the day.

Sam D.215
3/14/2011 09:34:38 am

sorry for posting so late. :( im giving up ALL junkfood and texting its a big challenge. It was an extremely big challenge because of the festival. I just thought god gave up ssoo much for us cant we give this little back. Also i"m so attached to a phone even if i get mine taken away i use anyother phone to text this way i can enjoy everything that has to do with friends and family. :)

Peace . Pray . Love . Cheer . Happiness . FOOTBALL

3/23/2011 06:54:48 pm

Hi!your post is very cool and Very interesting post - Might be old new, but it was new to me.


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