Hey everyone!

I know I promised I'd post earlier today, but that was before I found out I'd have a faculty meeting after school until almost 6:00!

I apologize for the delay, but between the long drive home, plus a pit-stop at Publix, cooking dinner, and cleaning up, I am running out of time!

For 208, don't worry about the homework (I was called to the office for a meeting about 5 minutes before your class, so I am so sorry!  I didn't expect this!)

Your assignment is to figure out a way to explain to someone else how each one of the four Gospels begins. Remember that:

- The infancy narratives are only found in Matthew and Luke.
- Each Gospel begins a different way, but that doesn't mean the "authors" aren't credible or believable.
- Matthew begins with Jesus' genealogy, then His birth
- Luke begins prior to His birth, beginning with the Annunciation of John to Zechariah and Jesus to Mary
- Mark begins with Jesus preparing for His ministry
- John begins with a poetic summary of who Jesus, "The Word", is and how he came to be.

So, I compared the order of events revealed within the Gospels to a huge party. Just like there are many elements to Jesus' life, there are many stages of a party. We know the highest and most powerful part  of any party may be the music and dancing. Similarly, the "highest" point of Jesus' life was His ministry. (I know His crucifixion and Passion were equally important, but for the sake of the assignment, let's focus on why He was so memorable on Earth- for the Words, deeds, and messages he taught us).

Before I throw a party and expect my guests to get the most out of the event (dancing and fun), I need to prepare for it! Let's say the party starts at 7:00, but dancing doesn't begin until 9:30. Beginning the night before or even earlier, I am preparing for this event. It hasn't happened yet, but if you are "Luke", you are witnessing my preparation and you will will give a full report on what I did and its importance before the party when you write your gospel later, huh big guy?

So, promptly at 7:00, my doorbell rings, and Matthew is there. He is able to witness the moment my party was "born", much like he wrote about in his Gospel.... starting at the Birth.

So dinner is served and soft music is playing (this would match with the infancy narratives of the Bible... only Luke and Matthew are partying it up right now!)

It's not until 9:30, when the DJ begins, the lights dim, and we begin dancing the night away! This is why we are all at this party... to learn and have a great time! Enter the gospel of Mark !

John is at the party, but he is in the background. He knows what's happening and sees the importance of why this feast is so significant. He will start out his book summarizing the reason for this who event.

"In the beginning was the "Party". And it was awesome and brought people together where they had the time of their lives. Friends were made, dinner was eaten, and memories were cherished, all because of this one party."

Seventh grade, does this make sense or did I just confuse you to the point where you see mud on the screen?

Mrs. Beadel
1/25/2011 10:24:01 am

The assignment is due Thursday.

Amanda S. 208
1/25/2011 10:26:35 am

Mrs.Beadel I get what you said about the party, until the part of Mark. But other wise I understand what you mean. And for this is this H.W. for thursday. Thanks I hope your day wasn't to stressful. LOL!

Amanda S. 208
1/25/2011 10:27:38 am

HAHAHAHA Mrs.Beadel right when I was typing this you answered my question. Thank You.

Alexa C./215
1/25/2011 10:47:37 am

Hey Mrs.Beadel sorry for commenting so late your probalby really busy but I don't really get the part about John, but I kind of understand it. Also, do you think we should start off with Mattew or Luke? Thanks for your time
-Alexa (:

Mrs. Beadel
1/25/2011 11:26:59 am

Hi Alexa,

Definitely start off with Matthew or Luke since they both include the infancy narratives.

Sam D/215
1/25/2011 08:03:10 pm

hey Mrs.Beadel this was kind of easy when you look at it . I was just wndering if you could explain it in class today again thanks

Monica D/215
1/26/2011 04:23:21 am

Thank you so much Mrs. Beadel. I understand it now, but can I draw it or do I have to write it out? Hope your day was better.

Love+Pray=Joy and Peace :)

Natalie G/215
1/26/2011 05:43:30 am

Thanks Mrs. Beadel and thanks Sam for helping me with this. Your awesome!!!!

Samantha D/215
1/26/2011 05:48:56 am

Monica you can write it or draw it. No problem anytime just ask. Thanks Leslie for the help.

Peace . Pray . LOVE . Cheer . Happiness . FOOTALL

Kendrick R. 215
1/26/2011 06:24:17 am

hi everyone. THANK YOU MRS. BEADEL! it helped me a lot but i have a little trouble with the writing. do we write it in your style?

AND JUST TO BE CLEAR: i was not "anonymous" LAST NIGHT. I WASN'T EVEN IN THE WEBSITE! I HAD TO GO TO ARCH BISHOP CURELY! I was NOT 'anonymous' last night and thats my proof. CASE IS CLEARED.

Kendrick R. 215
1/26/2011 07:53:38 am

nevermind about my question. but anyway thank you Mrs. Beadel for you generosity.

Kendrick R. 215
1/26/2011 07:57:20 am

I still dont get what we're suppose to do.
do we write it, draw it, or both???

Sam D/215
1/26/2011 08:17:22 am

Whichever you want Kendrick :l. And we get it okay you werent the anonymous person last night, but thaks anyways Mrs. Beadel you always help us out so much thank you.

Sam D/215
1/26/2011 08:19:49 am

Oh Kendrick i meant that you can do wone you don't have to do both, but if you draw the picture make sure that you describe each step okay. Just put the descrpition next to the picture. kk

Peace . Pray . LOVE . Cheer . Happiness . FOOTBALL

anthony m 215
1/26/2011 08:22:48 am

thanks mrs. Beadel

Mae-Lynn F. 208
1/26/2011 09:34:24 am

Thanks Mrs.Beadel for the help.:)

Jose D/208
1/26/2011 10:19:09 am

I don't get this. Can you help us tomorrow on this Mrs.Beadel? Thank you and sorry for posting so late.

Amanda S. 208
1/26/2011 11:47:02 am

Hi Mrs.Beadel I took your advice on doing the rum cake but I need help. Sorry, on posting to late.:(

justin A 215
1/26/2011 08:10:21 pm

Mrsbeadel, I fully understand what your talking about in the assighnment this really helped thank you, and I finished my assighnment and its good

Kendrick R. 215
1/26/2011 08:21:05 pm

Thank you samantha! And thank you Mrs. Beadel for your help.

<(i.i )>
O o

Kayla Rodriguez 208
1/27/2011 09:23:10 am

I'm SOO confused. lol
and sorry but I've been checking the website, and for some reason I got the the post from 1/19/11 and the 25 today. Not sure what's going on with my computer :/

Sam D/215
1/27/2011 09:25:40 am

Hey Mrs. Beadel thanks for giving this to us. It was challenging but fun at the same time. I think that this Catholic schools week proj. is gonna be fun.

Peace . Pray . LOVE . cheer . happiness . FOOTBAL

tommy B 215
1/27/2011 11:28:47 am

thanks Mrs. Beadel but i finally got the idea for the catholic school thing.

Joseph B. 208
1/28/2011 07:20:51 am

Hi Mrs. Beadel,

Can you give us an example of the Catholic Schools Week ad that we have to do. I'm not sure how you want it.

Alejandro D.
1/29/2011 07:35:41 am

Hey Mrs. Beadel, I am severely confused about this assingment. I understand that we have to pick a company and switch the title of the company and the slogan, but I do not know what information you would like in the paragraph under the drawing.

Alejandro D.
1/29/2011 07:36:44 am

assignment sorry for the misspelling

Alexa C./215
1/29/2011 08:10:44 am

Hey Alejandro,
For the assignment you have to change the slogan to something about Catholic schools like instead of "Respect the pouch" it could be respect the faith. The paragraph is just about Catholic schools, what they do, what they teach, and what they help you build(realtionships with God)

Alejandro D.
1/29/2011 08:47:45 am

Thanks Alexa

Andres D-208
1/29/2011 10:13:42 pm

I am still confused about this. Are we suppost to draw a picture with a caption or a whole story like Mrs.Beadel did?

Joseph B. 208
1/29/2011 10:15:12 pm

Same here

Andres D208
1/29/2011 10:17:15 pm


Joseph B. 208
1/29/2011 10:19:08 pm

What did you do for the project?

Andres d208
1/29/2011 10:23:59 pm

land o' lakes - lady of the lakes. And the indian is kneeling and praying

Joseph B. 208
1/29/2011 10:24:28 pm

Happy Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Beadel. I hope it is a joyful and wonderful day!

Alejandro D.
1/29/2011 11:06:07 pm

Happy Anniversary Mrs. Beadel!!!

Victoria L. 215
1/29/2011 11:49:26 pm

Happy Anniversary Mrs.Beadel! :)

Christina F. / 208
1/30/2011 04:04:33 am

Happy anniversary Mr and Mrs.Beadel! :)

Lauren G
1/30/2011 07:27:31 am


Alejandra G. 215
1/30/2011 10:26:39 am

Happy Anniversary Mrs. Beadel! I hope you have an amazing day! I hope you enjoyed your weekend! :)

Joseph B. 208
1/31/2011 04:53:39 am

Mrs. Beadel,

Can the ad be computer made? Because then I'm going to have to draw it on paper.

- Joseph Basulto

Sam D/215
1/31/2011 05:28:38 am

Joseph we all drew it!! I mean 215 did it by drawing the ad, yep as far as i saw we all drew it
Have a great Day and good luck tomorrow

Peace . Pray . love . Happiness . Cheer . FOOTBALL

RGM 215
1/31/2011 06:29:20 am

I thought that she said it was due Tuesday... hmmm.

RGM 215.
1/31/2011 06:31:04 am

this is Rachel by the way.

Kendrick R.
1/31/2011 07:06:04 am

same here.

Rachel M 215
1/31/2011 11:15:03 am

did she tell anyone that it was due friday???

Kenrdrick R. 215
1/31/2011 11:19:53 am

which one?

Mrs. Beadel
1/31/2011 11:23:20 am

Thank you for all the lovely anniversary wishes!

I love Seventh Grade!

Rachel M
2/8/2011 06:58:13 am

Rachel 215
2/8/2011 06:59:11 am

When is the time line due? i think it's due friday, but i cant be sure.


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