In honor of the near end to NASA's shuttle program, CNN condensed video from every shuttle launch into 133 seconds. It's pretty neat, yet also a sad time for our country since shuttle launches will cease for quite some time. You can read more about this here.

I've always been amazed at the space program and the miraculous feats of discovery beyond our planet. Take 132 seconds to enjoy the video below.
Steven R. 215
3/5/2011 10:04:22 am

Not to be a kiss up, but I too like space and all the relevant things to it. Like when I was little my brother and I were fasinated with the launches. So every time one took off, we had to go see so we hoped in the car and took off. Sometimes my parents took us and the other time, grandparents. My brother was there at that launch because he is in collage up there in daytona which isn't far a drive so he drove and recorded it. He came down for a couple days and he showed it to me. We must have watched it like 57 times because we started at 12 (am) and ended at 2 (am). We didn't notice it was that late so we went to bed. Now back to the topic of space... I am mezmorized (1st spelled wrong 2nd favorite word) with the planets and all that . I don't know, is that a good job. Someone told me that when you get back you need to go through like rehab but not in a bad way. Like and exercise rehab basicly. Now he is majoring in eletrical and arospace enginnering. also a piolte. Well all i have is one question.... Have you ever wanted to do anything in space or having to do with space EVER in your life? Lets have a class disscution during the following week... that is if we have time. Thank you for reading this.

charles 215
3/7/2011 07:00:40 am

I thought that vidio was pretty coo. I never new it only took 133 seconds to liftoff.


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